Archived Events Fall 2018

Environmental Justice Symposium

Monday, November 5, 6 - 7:30pm
The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Memphis and Shelby County: Then & Now
Please join us for an evening of reflection and inspiration to keep the movement for environmental justice alive and pressing forward. On November 5, 2018 the University of Memphis Anthropology Department is hosting the screening of a (brief) locally produced video entitled, The Struggle for EJ in Memphis and Shelby County, highlighting and chronicling the Environmental Justice (EJ) campaigns and efforts of local Memphians. In addition, a panel featuring neighborhood leaders will follow the video with reflections on the fight for environmental justice from the early 1990's to the present time. University of Memphis graduate students have created a digital (and paper) timeline featuring numerous environmental justice struggles that occurred here in the Memphis area that will also be introduced.

This event is co-sponsored by the Anthropology Department of the University of Memphis and the Sierra Club Chickasaw Group. The University of Memphis is offering free secure parking in the Zach Curlin Drive high-rise parking lot. This event is free and open to the public.


Archaeology Day at Chucalissa

Saturday, October 20, 10am - 3pm
Tours, activities, and guided exploration for the whole family. All programming is included with regular admission: Free for children under 4 and adults with a UofM ID card, $4 for children ages 4-11 and seniors, and $6 for adults.

Click for a PDF file of the event schedule (1.3MB)



Special Workshop: Business Anthropology
Presented by the Anthropology department and the Crews Center for Entrepreneurship

September 20 and 21st, 2018

For full details and the event schedule, see the event page.


Anthropology Department Open House

When: Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 3 to 5:30pm

Where: Manning Hall, Room 322

What: Open House and Film Screening

Come meet the Department of Anthropology and learn more about the work UofM anthropologists are doing in Memphis and around the world. You'll have the chance to learn about what the Department offers to students – both majors and non-majors – and how you can get involved. We will have food, socializing, and time for questions.

The open house will be followed by a screening of The Anthropologist, a 2015 award-winning documentary about anthropologists Margaret Mead and Susan Crate. The film follows Dr. Crate as she travels the world with her daughter, studying the effects of climate change.

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