Past Events

MD2K Career day

What will you be doing after you earn your graduate degree? Will you pursue a career in academia, in private industry or in government? Graduates are often faced with a variety of choices, but which one is best? In partnership with the UofM Graduate School, Graduate Student Association and FedEx Institute of Technology, the Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K) research cluster is announcing the first MD2K Career Day. This event will offer graduate students a wealth of information regarding post-graduate careers from experienced professionals in various career fields.

MD2K Career Day will include panels featuring well-known and well-regarded speakers who share how they have used their graduate education within their respective careers. Panelists include Dr. M. David Rudd, President of the University of Memphis, Dr. Susan Murphy of Harvard University, Dr. Jim Rehg of Georgia Tech and others. Dr. Vivek Shetty of UCLA will serve as the moderator for the panel discussions.

When?: October 25th from 12:30 - 3PM
Where?: FedEx Institute of Technology on UofM Campus

5th Annual TIGUrS Sweet Potato Pull

TIGUrS Garden 5th Annual Sweet Potato Pull - Luscious, organically-grown sweet potatoes have been working hard underground since late last spring and are now excitedly anticipating going home with you; however you have to dig them up! It is messy and fun, eventually...tasty! If you have a garden trowel and/or pruning shears, please bring them. Also, be certain to wear comfortable clothing that can stand to get filthy and do not forget to bring a bottle of water. TIGUrS will also be digging up sun choke, turmeric, and a tiny bit of ginger.

Date: October 18, 2017

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Location: Behind Elma Roane Field House

Why: Let's know where our food comes from!

Congratulations to Dr. Micah Trapp

Congratulations to Dr. Micah Trapp who led the instrumental study that influenced the Board of Trustees in voting for six weeks of paid parental leave!

Check out the article here: http://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/education/2017/10/04/university-memphis-offer-six-weeks-paid-parental-leave/731662001/

2017 Lead Conference

Memphis students are Driven by Doing! Demonstrate that drive by participating in the 2017 LEAD Conference. The annual conference provides training and engages presenters and facilitators from across the City of Memphis. Through a combination of keynote speakers, self-selected breakout sessions, and shared conversations, students hear from campus and community leaders about a range of topics meant to support organizational growth and personal development. You will have several opportunities to network with fellow students and Memphians throughout the conference.

This year's LEAD Conference will take place on Saturday, October 21, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the University Center.

The theme for this year's conference is "Creating Change" and will focus on developing students' ability to act as change agents in their organizations and communities. Presentations and sessions will be grounded in the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. Our keynote speaker will be Luke Pruett, recruiting director for City Leadership, the parent entity behind Choose901.

Register here! Registration will close at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, October 18. Please contact Michael Marino at mdmarino@memphis.edu for more information.

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Duke

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Duke on his recent publication "Neocolonialism and Healthcare Access among Marshall Islanders in the United States" in the AAA's Medical Anthropology Quarterly!

Asset-Based Community Development Workshop

Center for Transforming Communities is having an Introduction to Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Workshop next Tuesday, October 17 from 9:00am to 4:00pm.

ABCD is the cornerstone of CTC's work in the Memphis community, and we are always excited about the opportunity to share ABCD with others. The workshop will give you a basic overview of ABCD, as well as an introduction to some practices and exercises you can use to begin applying ABCD in your neighborhood or community. Registration is $85.

Check here for more info: http://www.ctcmidsouth.org/asset-based-community-development-worksh

The Life and Times of Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Students from the honors forum "The Life and Times of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara" have created research posters assessing the legacy of Che that will be displayed in the lobby of the main library in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his murder. There will be an opening reception TODAY at 4pm in the library with food and an acoustic guitarist that everyone is welcome to attend.

Student Health Fair

The annual Student Health Fair is TODAY from 10am-2pm at the Student Plaza. Come by and learn about healthy behaviors, meet campus and community health and wellness partners, and get free swag (including some food) to help promote a healthy lifestyle.

Celebrating Dr. Ruthbeth Finerman & the CAB

On September 5th, we celebrated Dr. Ruthbeth Finerman's 12 years as Department Chair and the Community Advisory Board! Check out our Facebook page for more pictures!

Drs. Keri Brondo, Ruthbeth Finerman, and Linda Bennett

Drs. Keri Brondo, Ruthbeth Finerman, and Linda Bennett The Community Advisory Board

2017 Tiger Blue Goes Green

The 2017 Tiger Blue Goes Green event is TOMORROW from 10am-2pm in the Rose Theatre Lobby. Come by for free food, a t-shirt, goodies, and information to help save the environment through sustainable practices!

Holocaust Travel Seminar

Rhodes College presents the Holocaust Travel Seminar! Explore Jewish and non-Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust abroad in Berlin, Buchenwald, Prague, Auschwitz, Krakow, and Warsaw from May 20-June 3, 2018.

For more information check out the flyers below and email Professor Steve Haynes at haynes@rhodes.edu.

International Archaeology Day

C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa presents International Archaeology Day on Saturday October 21st from 10am to 3pm!

It's free for children under 4 and adults with a UofM ID card! $4 for children ages 4-11 and seniors, $6 for adults.

Welcoming Diversity Forum

The Department of Psychology's next Welcoming Diversity Forum will be held this week—on Friday, October 6 from 12:00 to 12:50 p.m. at the Psychology Building Room 209.

It will feature a presentation from Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, and a discussion will follow. Dr. Lipstadt is a historian and the Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University.
Her presentation is titled "Behind the Lies of Holocaust Denial."

The Future of Food

The Future of Food: A Panel Discussion about the Science and Meaning of American Foodways.

Tuesday, October 3; Reception at 6:30pm, Panel at 7pm

Room 250 in the Art and Communication Building at UofM.

Critical Conversation

Let's have a Critical Conversation about Drawing the Protest Line: Freedom of Assembly, Speech, and Expression on Tuesday, October 3, 2017, from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. in the UC River Room (300). Pizza will be served!

Topics include: What is free speech and why do we value it? What is the distinction between free speech and hate speech? How can students voice dissent without threatening the university's culture of inclusivity? What are guidelines for protest at public institutions?

Study Abroad Fair

If you're interested in study abroad the Study Abroad Fair is Monday October 2 from 10 a.m – 2 p.m. in the Michael D. Rose Theatre. Hear from past participants and faculty leaders, learn about program and scholarship opportunities, and enter a drawing for a $1,000 scholarship for a UofM Study Abroad Program. Coffee and lunch will be served!

More information here: Study Abroad

2017 Hooks Institute Open House

The 2017 Hooks Institute Open House & Release of the Hooks Policy Papers is Thursday Oct. 5, 2017, Reception is at 5:30 pm, the Panel Discussion is at 6 pm in the University Center (304) Bluff Room.

Join us for the release of the Hooks Institute Policy Papers (3rd edition). Authors of the Policy Papers will present their research on critical civil rights issues of today including the Trump Administration's roll back on LGBT rights, the impact of immigration on a small Arkansas town, the influence of Muslims and Islam on the nation's fabric, and what we can learn from welfare in Native American communities.

Congrats to Drs. Hicks & Brondo, & Mr. Marczynski!

Congratulations to Drs. Kathryn Hicks, Keri Brondo, and Mr. Rob Marczynski on being the recipients of the Sierra Club Environmental Justice Program's 2017 Dick Mochow Environmental Justice Award!

Recipients of this award must show concern for environmental justice communities, determination and dedication in going that
extra mile to embrace it as a subject to explore in classrooms and instill knowledge and appreciation for communities that are
challenged with environmental burdens.

Congratulations to Dr. Lambert-Pennington!

Dr. Katherine Lambert-Pennington was awarded a Highland Area Renewal Corporation (HARC) Angel Award. The awards honor those involved in community service in our neighborhoods.

Annual HARC Angel Awards honor organizational partners from the Neighborhood, University, and city at large. The mission of HARC is to enhance the quality of life in neighborhoods surrounding the University of Memphis.

Dr. Katherine Lambert-Pennington at HARC Ceremony

Dr. Katherine Lambert-Pennington at HARC Award ceremony 

Works in Progress Symposium!

Works In Progress Symposium (WIPS), is just around the corner! WIPS is an annual event that features 15-minute oral presentations by students who are currently conducting research on campus. Research does not have to be complete; it can be a "work in progress" or even a research proposal. The deadline for submissions is October 13th.

Date: October 30, 2017

Time: 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Location: University Center

15th Annual Grassroots EJ Conference

The 15th Annual Grassroots EJ Conference is on October 14th, 2017 from 9am-2:30pm on the third floor of the University Center.
You have to pre-register to attend! Here: htt://sc.org/MemphisConf

Dr. Hicks at Humanities on Tap

Cheers to Dr. Kathryn Hicks who presented her work on obesity and race at the Humanities on Tap event!

Dr. Kathryn Hicks at Humanities on Tap

Gender and Humanitarian Issues in Wartime Iraq Gender and Humanities in Wartime Iraq

Dr. Susan Hannah Allen will be speaking about Gender and Humanitarian Issues in Wartime Iraq on September 22nd from 2-3pm in the FedEx Institute of Technology Room 407.

Anthropology club Hosts a Meet and Greet

Join us this FRIDAY from 12pm-1pm for a Welcome Back Meet and Greet in Manning Hal 322. There will also be an information session for current and prospective anthropology students!

Anthropology club race discussion

Some of our faculty and undergraduate/graduate students got together to discuss the implications of the Charlottesville events and the role that race plays in our society. We borrowed materials from the American Anthropological Association's teach-in event.

Race Teach In   Race Teach In   Race Teach In

Race Teach In  Race Teach In

The Future of U.S. and Cuba Relations in the Age of Trump

The Future of U.S. & Cuba Relations in the age of Trump lecture on September 18th from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Ball Hall Auditorium.

Guest speakers Leima Martinez Freire & Yolandis Ruiz Villalon lecture about the future relationship(s) between the U.S. and Cuba under Trump's presidency. Light refreshments will be served after the lectures.

Anthropology Club Presents: Brown Bag Discussion

In conjunction with the AAA's teach-in on Understanding Race After Charlottesville, the Anthropology Club is holding a Brown Bag Discussion on Monday Sept. 18th from 11:30-12:30 in Manning Hall 417. Come join us for an important discussion on race and society!

8th Annual Dope Conference

Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference (DOPE) is to be held February 22-24, 2018 in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. DOPE has become a key international forum for students and faculty at all stages of their careers, as well as activists and grassroots community organizations, fostering critical interdisciplinary discussion of urgent topics including: rural social movements; food systems; complexity in ecological and social systems; decolonization, knowledge, and difference; science and technology studies; neoliberal natures and climate justice; and feminist political ecologies, among many others. Over 300 scholars, activists, and environmental professionals attended DOPE 2017, representing dozens of disciplines and more than 90 academic institutions spread across four continents.

Conference registration will open on October 1, 2017. All participants in your session must have registered and paid by the final registration deadline (December 1, 2017).

For more info: https://www.politicalecology.org/?utm_campaign=808f5d9abb-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_09_01&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Dimensions%2Bof%2BPolitical%2BEcology%2BConference&utm_term=0_f4eb733d23-808f5d9abb-199885629

Historical Archive Collections

Last spring the libraries purchased a number of historical archive collections and a representative from EBSCO will be on hand on September 28th from 10-11am to provide training on using those collections along with ideas on how to use these for research.

Quick Facts:
Date: September 28, 2017
Time: 10am-11am
Place: Libraries Room 225
Content: Training on 10 historical archive collections
Questions: e-mail bbilledx@memphis.edu

Mid-South Coalition for Minority Health International Research Symposium

The 2017 Mid-South Coalition for Minority Health International Research Training (MHIRT) Symposium is NEXT SATURDAY, September 16th from 9am-1pm at Christian Brothers University (Montesi Executive Center, Buckman Hall 211).

Students who participated in the summer 2017 projects will present the results from their international research experiences in Brazil, Nicaragua, and Uganda. Please join us for any or all of the presentations! A light breakfast will be available starting at 8:30am.

This is an excellent opportunity for students interested in the summer projects for 2018 to meet with students, learn more about the program, and find out how they can qualify for an all-expense paid international research experience!

The symposium is free and open to the public. Breakfast and lunch will be served.

If you plan to attend breakfast and/or lunch, please RSVP to Daryl Stephens at ​mhirtcbu@gmail.com before noon on Wednesday, Sept. 13th so catering arrangements can be made.

Hispanic Film Festival

The Spanish Club and the Department of World Languages and Literatures presents the Hispanic Film Festival 2017 to celebrate the Hispanic Heritage Month.

Date: September 13th - October 9th
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: UC Theatre

#tigerstakeastand Pop Up Location

Follow @SGA_UofM and #TIGERSTAKEASTAND to learn more about sexual assault prevention at the UofM! Locations will be revealed via twitter each week for that week's free and unique #TIGERSTAKEASTAND t-shirt or tank top! All you have to do is show up at the disclosed location and tweet @SGA_UofM about how you pledge to take a stand!

Dance Around the World

The Asian American Association will be presenting Dance Around the World where participants will learn about cultures around the world through dance. No dancing experience is needed to participate!

Date: September 13, 2017
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: UC River Room

"Imperfect Tense" Reading

This event has been postponed until October. Poet and scholar Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor will be giving a reading from her new book "Imperfect Tense" as part of the River City Writers Series on Tuesday, September, 12, 2017 at 7 pm in the Poplar Room, UC 308!

Check out the book here: https://whitepointpress.com/our-books/imperfect-tense-by-melisa-cahnmann-taylor/

Congratulations to MA Alums!

Congratulations to two MA alums Amy Santee and Sanne Roijmans who were featured in Riall W. Nolan's new book Using Anthropology in the World: A Guide to Becoming An Anthropologist Practitioner!

Check out the book here: https://www.routledge.com/Using-Anthropology-in-the-World-A-Guide-to-Becoming-an-Anthropologist/Nolan/p/book/9781611329506


Faculty Research Grant Awardees!

Congratulations to Drs. Katherine Lambert-Pennington (Dept. of Anthropology) and Laura Saija (Dept. of Planning) who were awarded a Faculty Research Grant, from the College of Arts and Sciences, in the amount of $10,000. Their project is titled "The Simeto River Agreement (SRA) and the Quest for Democratizing Development". Their proposal is one of 12 successful applications out of over 20 submissions!

Congratulations to Stephen Paff!

Stephen Paff, a member of the new cohort in the MA program, received a travel award to attend the "Data Science for Social Good" conference at the University of Chicago this September. Stephen shared that he is looking forward to learning more about how to use data science, programming, and mathematical insights to facilitate positive and just social change. He said "I am excited to integrate thick understandings of culture and society from anthropology with data science to generate multi-disciplinary collaboration on social initiatives." Congratulations Stephen!

MA Alum Hiram Kabui Featured in AAA Article

Alum Chef Hiram Kabui was featured in the AAA's Anthropology News! The article briefly describes how Hiram is dedicated to empowering African Americans through local and international food movements. Check out the article here: http://www.anthropology-news.org/index.php/2017/08/15/chef-kabui/

MA Alum Caleb Klipowicz's Research

Take a minute to listen to MA alum Caleb Klipowicz's presentation of his research regarding TBCaleb Klipowicz, stigma, and structural violence among the Marshallese of NW Arkansas (https://vimeopro.com/healthyarkansas/20170316)!

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