Collection Highlights

AMUM’s collections contain over 3,000 works of art that span more than 2000 years of human history and represent numerous cultures throughout the Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Oceania. AMUM is committed to being a resource and laboratory for the study, interpretation, and presentation of the visual arts and the dissemination of artistic scholarly research, and thus works to make its collections available to students, researchers, and the public. 


online collections


Online Collections

Featuring hundreds of art works and artifacts, the online collection presents a searchable database of selected objects from the Art Museum of the University of Memphis and the Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology. 



African Collection    


African Art

AMUM’s African collection is comprised of more than 300 tradition-based works, over 170 of which were donated by Martha and Robert Fogelman. Primarily representing various cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa, the collection contains masks, wood carvings, metalwork, and textiles.




Architecture and Design

AMUM has a growing architecture and design collection including drawings and archives of Richard Neutra, photographs of extant Paul R. Williams architecture by photographer David Horan, and objects and artworks associated with the Ulm School of Design. 


Ancient Egyptian Art    


Egyptian Art and Archaeology

The Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology (IEAA) works with AMUM to maintain and exhibit its collection of over 1,000 ancient Egyptian antiquities, most ranging in date from 3800 B.C.E. to 700 C.E. For more information, visit here

Indigenous Art           

Indigenous Textiles of the Americas

Represented by a diverse sampling from North, Central, and South America, AMUM’S indigenous textile collection is small, but exquisite. The collection includes Navajo weavings, Mexican serapes, Molas from the Kuna people of Panama, and mochila bags made by the Guajira.   


Prints, Drawings, and Photographs

AMUM cares for a rich array of 1300 works on paper including fine art prints, watercolors, photographs, popular prints, and drawings. The collection includes holdings by Carroll Cloar, Andy Warhol, and Beth Van Hoesen.

Samuel Hester Crone               

Samuel H. Crone

AMUM holds the most complete collection of works by artist Samuel H. Crone. It was primarily donated by William S. Huff, the heir to the collection. It includes over 300 drawings and paintings, as well as hundreds of pieces of ephemera related to Crone’s life.    





To view selected holdings from the collections or conduct research, please email Leslie Luebbers: lluebbrs@memphis.edu 

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