Undergraduate Academic Advisor Directory
Undergraduate students can use the links below to schedule an appointment with their assigned advisor. Graduate students should visit the Graduate School page for current students to find information about academic advising at the graduate level.
Undergraduate students are only able to schedule appointments online with their assigned advisor. If you are unable to schedule with the advisor you selected, you may be trying to schedule with the wrong advisor. In which case, you can login to Navigate or use the Navigate Student mobile app to click on the Schedule an Appointment button to be sure you are scheduling with the right advisor.
Academic Advising Center
212 Wilder Tower
Phone: 901.678.2062
Fax: 901.678.4605
Advisor | Schedule an Appointment | |
Vanessa Brocks | Schedule> | vbrocks@memphis.edu |
Stephen Cocumelli | Schedule> | scocumll@memphis.edu |
Rebekah Comer | Schedule> | rcomer@memphis.edu |
April Crum | Schedule> | amcrum@memphis.edu |
Stephanie Johnson | Schedule> | sjohnsn2@memphis.edu |
Brookelynn Lopez | Schedule> | brlopez1@memphis.edu |
Matthew Mende | Scheudle> | mrmende@memphis.edu |
Marissa Manthongkham | Schedule> | mrmtchl1@memphis.edu |
Quinlan Rhodes | Schedule> | qeboyd@memphis.edu |
Marcus Sorensen | Schedule> | mcsrnsen@memphis.edu |
Ciara Williams | Schedule> | clshipp@memphis.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences Advisor Directory
College of Communication and Fine Arts Advisor Directory
College of Education
202 Ball Hall
Advisor | Schedule an Appointment | Majors | |
Mary Lanier | Schedule> | mlanier@memphis.edu | Integrative Studies- Educational Careers, Integrative Studies- Youth Development |
Ryan Mitchell | Schedule> | wrmtchl1@memphis.edu | Teaching All Learners, Human Development and Learning, Integrative Studies- Secondary Math |
College of Health Sciences
106 Fieldhouse
495 Zach H. Curlin Street
Advisor | Schedule an Appointment | ||
Sarah Matthews | Schedule> | skmtthws@memphis.edu | Last Names A-G |
Carol Mahalitc | Schedule> | cmhalitc@memphis.edu | Last Names H-M + Lambuth |
Angela Johnson | Schedule> | kjhnsn53@memphis.edu | Last Names N-Z |
Mary Catherine Schallert | Schedule> | mcclark1@memphis.edu | Students with a Dietetics Concentration |
Todd Layne | Schedule> | telayne@memphis.edu | PETE and Sport Coaching Students |
College of Professional & Liberal Studies
Brister Hall 218
Advisor | Schedule an Appointment | |
Mary Ewart | Schedule> | mewart@memphis.edu |
Dot Hale | Schedule> | dmhale@memphis.edu |
Danesha Winfrey | Schedule> | dnwnfrey@memphis.edu |
Deborah Wyatt | Schedule> | dwyatt@memphis.edu |
Fogelman College of Business & Economics
Fogelman Administration Building 114
Advisor | Schedule an Appointment | Majors | |
Brittany Perez | Schedule> | bperez@memphis.edu | All FCBE Majors Last Names A-D |
Alexis Dewey | Schedule> | cgrandon@memphis.edu | All FCBE Majors Last Names E-J |
Betsy Jasper | Schedule> | e.jasper@memphis.edu | All FCBE Majors Last Names K-O |
Philip Twumasi Ankrah | Schedule> | ptwmsnkr@memphis.edu | All FCBE Majors Last Names P-V |
Trellis Morgan | Schedule> | tmmorgan@memphis.edu | All FCBE Majors Last Names W-Z |
Mark Alpuente | Schedule> | malpuent@memphis.edu | All FCBE Majors – Graduating Seniors |
Herff College of Engineering
Advisor | Schedule an Appointment | Majors | |
Madhusudhanan Balasubramanian | Schedule> | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Joel Bumgardner | Schedule> | jbmgrdnr@memphis.edu | Biomedical Engineering |
Amy Curry | Schedule> | adejongh@memphis.edu | Biomedical Engineering |
Thomas Banning | Schedule> | tbanning@memphis.edu | Engineering Technology |
Luanne Donoghue | Schedule> | ldonoghu@memphis.edu | |
Daniel Foti | Schedule> | dvfoti@memphis.edu | Mechanical Engineering |
Andrew Garth | Schedule> | asgarth@memphis.edu | |
Yuan Gao | Schedule> | ygao6@memphis.edu | Mechanical Engineering |
Yue Guan | Schedule> | yguan1@memphis.edu | Mechanical Engineering |
Alexander Headley | Schedule> | jheadley@memphis.edu | Mechanical Engineering |
Eddie Jacobs | Schedule> | eljacobs@memphis.edu | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Jessica Jennings | Schedule> | jjnnings@memphis.edu | Biomedical Engineering |
Yong Hoon Lee | Schedule> | yhlee@memphis.edu | Mechanical Engineering |
Betsy Loe | Schedule> | egrear@memphis.edu | |
Jeffrey Marchetta | Schedule> | jmarchtt@memphis.edu | Mechanical Engineering |
Aaron Robinson | Schedule> | alrobins@memphis.edu | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Contact info for advisors in the Herff College of Engineering who are not available to schedule appointments online can be found on the Herff College of Engineering advising webpage
Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management
Advisor | Schedule an Appointment | |
Deborah Thompson | Schedule> | djthmps4@memphis.edu |
Lambuth Campus Advisor Directory
705 Lambuth Boulevard
Loewenberg College of Nursing
2502 Community Health Building
4055 N. Park Loop
University of Memphis Park Avenue Campus
School of Public Health
Advisor | Schedule an Appointment | |
Becky Kronenberg |
Schedule> | rkrnnbrg@memphis.edu |
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Advisor | Schedule an Appointment | |
Trent Harper | Schedule> | tharper6@memphis.edu |