
Adult Student Association

The Adult Student Association is a Registered Student Organization lead by adult students for adult students. The ASA is dedicated to the meaningful engagement of adult students into university life at the University of Memphis. Contact the ASA at asa.uofm@gmail.com or through TigerZone.

2019-2020 ASA Executive Board:

  • President - Telesia Swanigan
  • Vice President - Shenie Lamahewa
  • Secretary - Lauren Gowans

Adult/Transfer Student Orientation

Participating in New Student Orientation helps ease the transition to the University of Memphis by providing new students with information about campus resources and services, tuition and financial aid, academic departments, and so much more! The UofM offers multiple orientation options for transfer and adult students.

2019 Dates for Adult/Transfer NSO

  • May 16: 8:30 a.m.
  • June 20: 4:30 p.m.
  • July 23: 8:30 a.m.
  • August 6: 4:30 p.m.

Find more information and sign up for an orientation at the NSO website!

Tech "How-To"

Need some help with eCourseware? Want to learn how to navigate TigerZone? Stop by the Adult, Off-Campus, and Transfer Student Lounge in UC 243 for help from a fellow adult student on the following technical issues:

  • eCourseware
  • TigerZone
  • Using email
  • Formatting papers
  • Using UMDegree
  • Scheduling advising appointments online
  • And more!


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