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Contact the Office of Admissions

Mailing Address:
Undergraduate Admissions
University of Memphis 
101 Wilder Tower
Memphis, TN 38152-3520
Phone Number:
901.678.2111 with questions about undergraduate applicants
901.678.2169 for general questions about the University

Use the Form Below to Contact Undergraduate Admissions

* If you are a current student or a recent applicant and know your Banner ID (e.g. U00123456), please provide it for identification.

Document Upload

To upload documents for EVEA (residency classification), please visit: umwa.memphis.edu/evea. (Admitted applicants - authentication required)

To upload documents necessary to satisfy admission requirements other than EVEA, please visit: umwa.memphis.edu/evea/index.php/evea/secureupload.

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