Transfer Credit

Transfer Evaluation System (TES)

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Transfer Equivalency Table Disclaimer

The equivalency tables contain a list of courses that transfer from a growing list of colleges and universities to the University of Memphis. The tables are displayed with the transfer school's course prefixes, numbers, and titles on the left with the UofM's course prefixes, numbers, titles and credit awarded on the right.   The equivalency table is not an official credit evaluation, but it serves as a valuable guide to understanding what credit evaluation will likely be granted to you when you begin at the University. You still must meet with an academic advisor to know how any transfer credits will be applied to your degree requirements.

Transfer Equivalency Table


Evaluation Process

At the University of Memphis there are two situations where it would be necessary to have a transfer credit evaluation completed.

1. New transfer students to the University of Memphis or readmitting students who, since last attending the UofM, have attempted course work from another accredited institution of higher education, will be required to have their transcript/s sent to the Office of Admissions for evaluation. An admissions analyst will review the transcript and evaluate each course for equivalency to a course at the UofM. Some courses will have a direct equivalent and therefore, will receive credit for that class. Other courses may be evaluated and not have a direct equivalent - in those cases, credits will be assigned as electives. Exactly how each course fulfills degree program requirements will be determined by the student's academic advisor. There may also be times where courses will not transfer at all.  Transfer credit evaluations will only be completed after a student has been fully admitted to the University of Memphis in a degree seeking status.

2. Transfer credit evaluations are completed when a currently enrolled University of Memphis student opts to take a course at another institution for credit. In this situation, the student is required to meet with his/her advisor to determine the course equivalency prior to registering for the course at the other institution.

Review additional information about the transfer credit request process >

Tennessee Transfer Pathways

Students who begin at one of the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Community Colleges have the ability to transfer to the University of Memphis with assurances in how their credits will transfer.  By completing the Associates Degree (AA or AS) at one of the 19 Community Colleges, they can select one of the nearly 30 Tennessee Transfer Pathway (TTP) programs at the University of Memphis.

The TTP provides a roadmap of access to some of the most popular degree programs available at the University of Memphis.  The TTP also guarantees the transfer student only has 60 hours to complete the Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Memphis after they transfer (provided the student doesn’t change the major after arriving). The engineering program is the exception to the statement above. This program will require more than 60 hours to complete.

Learn more about Tennessee Transfer Pathway >

Education Abroad Transfer Credit Process 

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