UofM Residency Classification 

Your residency status is set as in-state, out-of-state, or international based on the information you provided on your application. Your residency status affects tuition and fee rates. You could be a legal resident of Tennessee (e.g., hold a Tennessee driver’s license, pay state taxes, or rent a property in the state) but may not qualify for in-state tuition.

To qualify for in-state tuition, you must meet Eligibility Verification for Entitlements Act (EVEA) requirements AND one of the following:

  • A student whose primary source of support is their parents/guardians, and at least one parent/guardian is a resident of the state of Tennessee.
    • NOTE: If a student has begun his or her studies as an in-state student, the student stays in-state as long as he or she remains continuously enrolled, even if the parent subsequently moves to another state.
  • A student is ‘independent’ (according to FASFA residency requirements) and has their “domicile” in the state of Tennessee.
    • Typically, a student establishes domicile by residing in Tennessee for at least one year before enrolling full-time at the UofM.
  • Veterans, active duty military personnel, reservists, members of the national guard, and ROTC program cadets, regardless of residence and regardless of whether using Veterans Administration benefits, will be classified as in-state.
  • Military personnel and their spouses stationed in Tennessee who would normally be classified as out-of-state residents will still receive in-state tuition rates. However, this provision does not apply to spouses who move to Tennessee primarily for educational purposes.
  • A part-time student (11 hours max for undergraduate students and 8 hours max for graduate students) if they can establish, prior to the beginning of the semester, that they are employed full-time in the state of Tennessee.
    • A letter of employment must be provided by the employer each semester. Information should be included verifying that the student is employed full-time (minimum of 37.5 hours per week.)
  • A student who provides evidence that they, or their spouse, have been transferred by their employer to the state of Tennessee.
    • A letter from the employer (and marriage license, if applicable) is required prior to the beginning of the semester.
  • Certain visa holders who are eligible to establish domicile in the U.S. and Tennessee. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information.
    • Documentation of visa status and standard evidence of "domicile" in Tennessee must be provided. 

Permanent Residents/Refugees/Asylum 

  • Non-immigrant visa holders who have been approved for Permanent Residency must provide a copy of the I-94 card and one of the following as documentation to be considered in-state:
    • Congratulatory letter form Homeland Security of status change. 
    • Copy of a green card or permanent residency card. 
    • Asylum and refugee classifications are considered to be Permanent Residents. 
      • Must provide a stamped passport 

Students Not Eligible for In-State Tuition 

  • A student who does not meet EVEA requirements. 
  • An out-of-state student who is continuously enrolled full-time at the UofM; the assumption is that they are here primarily for educational purposes and will not qualify for in-state tuition.
  • B, F and J visa holders. There are other visa types not eligible for in-state tuition. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information.

Residency Appeal Process

If your status was coded incorrectly or has changed, please Complete an Application for Residency Classification/Residency Appeal > and email it to admissions@memphis.edu along with your proof of residency.

Admissions/Non-Resident Fee Waivers

  • Academic Common Market: The Academic Common Market program allows students from select states to pay Tennessee resident tuition while completing their degree at the University of Memphis.
  • Border County fee waivers: The University of Memphis accommodates students from border counties in Arkansas and Mississippi with a waiver of the non-resident portion of regular tuition.
  • Employed full-time in Tennessee/Enrolled part-time

Bursar Fee Discounts/Waivers

Visit the University and Student Business Services (USBS) website to learn more. Please refer to the policies posted on the site for a precise and detailed description.

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