VATR Lab Grant Overview

Principal Investigator:

Lavonnie Perry Claybon, M.Ed. and Human Development, Ph.D. in Education
Research Assistant Professor
Director Mid-South Access Center for Technology
Center for Rehabilitation and Employment Research (CRER)/Mid-South ACT
Email Address: lclaybon@memphis.edu


William Coker, Jr., M.A., CCC-SLP
Clinical Associate Professor, Speech Language Pathology
School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology
Email Address: wcoker@memphis.edu

Project goals included:

  • Creating a Virtual Assistive Technology Resource (VATR) lab for students in professional and technical field (e.g. computer engineering, speech language pathology, rehabilitation counseling, counseling psychology, and education) to gain knowledge of assistive devices and tools.
  • Exploring and developing accessibility strategies for individuals with disabilities, who may be using assistive technology to access a VATR lab.
  • Producing an avenue for interdisciplinary research, including students as co-presenters or authors, on the development and findings of the VATR in the Online Distance Education Journal and/or at a major professional conference on disability access.
  • Supporting faculty and student in the Augmentative Communication (AUSP 7308) class with an educational resource created through interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Promoting an online resource via the VATR lab accessible by individuals with disabilities, family members, and individuals who serve and educate individuals with disabilities.

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