
Device Loan

The Device Loan Program provides short-term loans of assistive technology devices to individuals, employers, public agencies, or others seeking to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. The purpose of a short-term device loan may be:

  • to assist in decision-making;
  • to serve as a loaner while the consumer is waiting for device repair or funding;
  • to provide an accommodation on a short-term basis; or
  • for professional development.

Device Demonstration

The goal of the Device Demonstration Program is to compare the features and benefits of a variety of AT devices for an individual or small group of individuals. The purpose of a device demonstration is to enable an individual to make an informed choice.

Device Reuse

The Device Reuse/Reutilization Program promotes the donation, repair, and the reuse of technology and durable medical equipment for individuals with disabilities. Device reuse includes device exchange activities and device reassignment/refurbishment and repair activities.

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