
Mid-South ACT Information

Memphis Resources

 Inc Adaptive Equipment

Barbara K. Lipman Early Childhood School and Research Institute

Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities (BCDD)

Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Learning Disabilities Association (Memphis Area)

Handicap Unlimited- (Medical Equipment Supplier)

Mata Plus

City of Memphis Career Opportunities

Memphis Center for Independent Living (MCIL)

Memphis Goodwill Industries, Inc

Mid-South Arc

Multiple Sclerosis Society, Mid-South Chapter

Senior Services (Memphis)

Shelby County School System

Shelby Residential & Vocational Services ( SRVS)

Special Education Network (Tennessee)

Special Olympics Tennessee

STAR Center (West Tennessee Special Technology Access Resource Center)

Tennessee Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Tennessee Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

Tennessee Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Tennessee Technology Access Project (TTAP)

The Bodine School

The University of Memphis - Disability Resources for Students

The West Tennessee R.I.S.E. Project

UCP of Memphis (Memphis Works)

AT Centers

Listing of ATA Centers

States Funded Under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-394).

National Resources

AAC-RERC (Research Center on Communication Enhancement)

  • Conducts research, sponsors/conducts conferences, develops technology, provides technical assistance, conducts training seminars, facilitates technology transfer, and evaluates technology.


  • This is an in depth guide for people who want to know about accommodations for students, including educators, administrators, other school personnel, and parents.

Adaptive Technology Resource Center/University of Toronto

  • Includes an extensive listing of online resources of assistive technology topics.

Alliance for Technology Access (ATA)

  • The Alliance for Technology Access (ATA) is a network of community-based Resource Centers , Developers, Vendors and Associates dedicated to providing information and support services to children and adults with disabilities, and increasing their use of standard, assistive, and information technologies.

American Printing House for the Blind

Apple's Disability Online Resources

  •  Mac Access Passport Mac Access Passport database contains descriptions of products that help people with disability use a Macintosh computer. It includes information on more than 100 software and hardware tools.

Assistive Technology Training Online Project - University of Buffalo List of resources

AT Basics

  • The AT Basic Modules provide general assistive technology information on a variety of related uses for elementary students with disabilities.

AT Demonstration Videos by NATRI (National Assistive Technology Research Institute)

AT Laws

  • Explains the laws and how they apply.

Attention Deficit Information Network, Inc


  • A website speech enabling service which makes web content accessible to anyone with reading difficulties.

Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)

CODI (Cornucopia of Disability Information) Assistive Technology Lots of information.

Developmental Disabilities Resource Center - Links

Florida Assistive Technology Education Network (ATEN)

  • Homepage has tutorials that can be downloaded on a variety of assistive technology devices.

Georgia Institute of Technology, Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA)

LD OnLine: Learning Disabilities Resources

The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

PDF Aloud

Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic

  • The nation's educational library for those with print disabilities.

RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America)

  • Promotes research, development, education, advocacy and provision of technology.

Tech Connections One-stop resource for information on Assistive Technology

  • (AT) designed to accommodate people with disabilities in the workplace and in everyday life activities. Quick reference guides, case studies, Training activities and much more.

Technology for Special Populations

  • Technology options designed to meet the needs of disability specific groups of students.

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