Mid-South ACT News

About Mid-South ACT...

The Mid-South Access Center for Technology (Mid-South ACT) is an assistive technology resource center providing services for individuals with disabilities in Memphis and the Mid-South region. Advancing technologies and strategies to empower people with disabilities is at the core of research and activities within the Mid-South ACT. Mid-South ACT is affiliated with the Center for Rehabilitation and Employment Research (CRER) at the University of Memphis.

Mid-South ACT operates the Virtual Assistive Technology Resource Lab (VATR Lab).

The Mid-South Access Center for Technology is funded in part by:
The University of Memphis
Tennessee Technology Access Program (TTAP) 
• Tennessee Department of Human Services - Rehabilitation Services
Tennessee Department of Education

Mid-South ACT's Annual Community Reutilization, Networking, and Informational Meeting

Thursday, June 25th, 2020, 11 AM - 1 PM

Virtual Reuse Flyer

Our Annual Community Reutilization, Networking, and Informational Meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, June 25th from 11:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. via Zoom. Our virtual meeting will feature live content along with recorded presentations and sessions. Many of these presentations and sessions will be available on-demand to registered attendees following the meeting. Please join us to learn about community resources, reutilization programs and to network with other agencies who provide resources and services to seniors and individuals with disabilities!

REGISTER TODAY! Registration required for Zoom Access. Please contact us for the code by emailing act@memphis.edu or calling 901-678-1489.

Oveante Magsby and Caia Smith are perfoming!

Oveante is a performer/pianist who is blind. Through Mid-South ACT, he learned how to use voiceover commands for accessing the MAC and received refresher JAWS screen reader training. He was able to benefit from the items loaned from the Mid-South ACT TTAP (Tennessee Technology Access Program) loan program. Oveante attends Berklee College of Music.

Caia is student at the University of Memphis and is learning how to use advanced voiceover commands for the MAC and attends JAWS screen reader training. Caia aspires to be a post-secondary art, drama, and music teacher.

If interested in donating equipment, attending the event, or participating in sharing information about services, send an email to act@memphis.edu or call 901.678.1489. If special accommodations (e. g. large print, alternative accessible format, sign language interpreter, etc) are needed for this event, let us know by emailing to act@memphis.edu or calling 901.678.1489.


Camp for Children with Down Syndrome... 

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We would like to thank Dr. Leigh Hollman and her students for collaborating with us on Play Therapy activities for our Camp For Children With Down Syndrome!  

Hamilton Relay Scholarship - Due March 2020

The Hamilton Relay Scholarship is an opportunity for graduating high school students in Tennessee who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or have difficulty speaking to assist in their goals of continuing their education.

The attached scholarship application and information is for eligible students. Hamilton Relay selects one candidate from each of the states where Hamilton is the contracted service provider. All candidates are required to submit an application, write an essay under the topic of communication technology and provide a letter of recommendation in order to qualify. The application documents can also be found online at Hamilton Relay.

The scholarship deadline and applications must be received or postmarked by March 1, 2020. The scholarship is in the amount of $500.

Guided Viewing & Signing Keyboarding Instruction for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Mid-South Access Center for Technology is offering FREE keyboarding skills for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Group or individualized outreach sessions available starting June 10, 2019.

To enroll please contact Mid-South ACT staff at 901.678.1489 or email us at act@memphis.edu

Mid-South ACT Announces Accessing High School Equivalency Test (HiSET®) Test Preparation Program

For Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Clients with Physical and/or Visual Disabilities that will Aid in Accessing HiSET® Test Preparation Materials!

To enroll please contact Mid-South ACT staff, 901.678.1489 or email us at act@memphis.edu

Camp for Children with Down Syndrome

Dates: July 30 - August 1, 2019

Time: 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon.

Location: Mid-South Access Center for Technology/The University of Memphis, 530 Patterson Street, Main office: Rm 119

A fun, interactive and learning three-day summer camp for children who have Down Syndrome with Parent Support Group informational sessions. Activities Include:

* Play Therapy, Arth Therapy, Social Skills

* Gardening Activity

* Tips and Tea Fireside Chats (Parent Support Group Sessions)

Come join Mid-South ACT and bring your child who has Down Syndrome. The camp will be filled with fun and interactive learning experiences. Parents will learn and share at the Parent Support Group session.

Space is still available.  Contact our main office at 901-678-1489 to register. 

Community Reutilization, Networking, and Informational Meeting

Join Mid-South Access Center for Technology and the Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media on June 6th from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the Orange Mound Community Center for our annual Community Reutilization, Networking, and Informational Meeting. Come and learn about the assistive technology, loan, demonstration, and reuse programs. Stop by and visit various vendors to learn about services offered to help seniors as well as individuals who have disabilities.

Assistive technology was first defined in the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-407) as "any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities." Assistive technology is anything that makes it easier for an individual to see, play, learn, write, read, move around, communicate, get dressed, eat and bathe.

What is reutilization? Reutilization is the donation, repair, and reuse of technology, devices, and durable medical equipment for individuals with disabilities.

Day/Date: Thursday, June 6, 2019

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Location: Orange Mound Community Center - 2590 Park Avenue - Memphis, TN 38111

To register: Call 901-678-1489 or email act@memphis.edu to request a registration form via email or fax.

Special Accommodation Request(s): Deadline - May 31, 2019





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