Welcome to Mid-South Access Center for Technology (Mid-South ACT)

The Mid-South Access Center for Technology (Mid-South ACT) is an assistive technology resource center providing services for individuals with disabilities in Memphis and the Mid-South region. Advancing technologies and strategies to empower people with disabilities is at the core or research and activities within the Mid-South ACT. Mid-South ACT is affiliated with the Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership >.

Visit our Accessibility, Research, and Education Projects (AREP) site for information on our latest articles, accessibility projects, and education projects.

Upcoming Events

Join Mid-South Access Center for Technology (ACT) in celebrating National Assistive Technology Awareness Day! We are hosting an Assistive Technology Informational Event on Wed, April 6 11am – 1pm in Patterson 111 (The University of Memphis, 530 Patterson Street, 38152). Email act@memphis.edu to learn more.

Our Partners

The Mid-South Access Center for Technology is funded in part by:


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