Contact the Crews School of Accountancy (CSOA)

plus signGeneral Inquiries

Mail: Fogelman College of Business & Economics
Attn: Crews School of Accountancy
Suite 200
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
Phone: 901.678.4569
Email: fcbe@memphis.edu
Map Key: FAB = Fogelman Administration Building
FCB = Fogelman Classroom Building
FIT = FedEx Institute of Technology
map of fcbe buildings


person iconDepartment Administration

Nick Delener

Dr. Nick Delener
Interim Dir. & Professor
Email | 901.678.2889
Office: FCBE 200A

Jamie Buckhanan

Jamie Buckhanan
Dept. Admin. Associate
Email | 901.678.4569
Office: FAB 200

James Lukawitz

James Lukawitz
MS Program Coordinator

Email | 901.678.3030
Office: FCB 226

April Jones

April Jones
MS Academic Advisor
Email | 901.678.3499
Office: FCB 101

Dr. Nirmalee Raddatz

Dr. Nirmalee Raddatz
PhD Program Advisor


teal plus signStudent Services Offices

Contact your program student services office to request permits, schedule advising appointments, apply for graduation and more.

teal arrow iconFCBE Undergraduate Student Services Office (USSO)

114 Fogelman College of Business & Economics
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152

USSO Website | Email USSO 
Phone: 901.678.2855 | Fax: 901.678.4344 

teal arrow iconFCBE Graduate Programs Office (GPO) / Masters Level

UofM Fogelman College of Business & Economics
101 Fogelman College Admin. Bldg.
Memphis, TN 38152-3120

GPO Website | Email GPO
Phone: 901.678.3721 | Fax: 901.678.4705

teal arrow iconFCBE Doctoral Program Office (PhD)

101E Fogelman College of Business & Economics
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152

PhD Website | Email PhD Office
Phone: 901.678.3656 | Fax: 901.678.3759

teal arrow iconInternational Students

For international inquiries, please contact the International Student Services Office (ISSO)

ISSO Website | Email ISSO Office
Phone: 901.678.5918

teal arrow iconUM Global (UMG)

200 Brister Hall
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152

UMG Website | Email UMG Office
Phone: 844.302.3886  

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