About the Crews School of Accountancy (CSOA)


What is Accounting?

Accounting is the process of recording, classifying and summarizing financial transactions.

Accountants and auditors help to ensure that organizations run efficiently, public records are kept accurately and taxes are paid properly & on time. They analyze and communicate financial information for various entities, such as companies, individual clients, and federal, state and local governments.

Success in accounting relies on an aptitude for problem solving, inquisitiveness, critical thinking, adaptability and common sense, not necessarily on a prowess in mathematics. If these skills align with yours, choosing to major in accounting is the path for you.

Accounting vs. Finance >

What do Accountants Do?

Accountants are vital to efficient and effective operation of the economy and decision-making at every level of society. They work with businesses of every size to set up and maintain the systems that collect and report information about business activity. They play a critical role in regulatory functions of government, including day-to-day operations, taxation, and detection of white-collar crime. Other accountants work with the public as tax experts and financial advisers. Certified public accountants work as auditors. They examine an organization’s accounting systems and financial statements to provide assurance to the public and other users that the information presents a fair picture of the organization's position and performance.

Accounting graduates have many opportunities to achieve professional certifications. An accountant may be designated as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Accredited Tax Advisor (ATA), Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM), or many other possibilities. All these designations require candidates to pass challenging exams, fulfill professional ethics requirements, and participate in continuing education programs every year.

Different Kinds of Accountants >How to Become a CPA >

What Will You Learn? 

Our curriculum is designed so our graduates will be: 

  • knowledgeable in accounting and its functional support of organizations
  • technologically competent
  • critical thinkers and problem solvers
  • effective communicators and team members
  • aware of ethical ramifications and global business implications of decisions

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting is a four-year program (minimum 120 credit hours) that prepares you to enter the workforce. Students explore such topics as accounting and its functional support of organizations, technological competency, effective communication & team orientation, business ethics and global business practices.

The Master of Science (MS) in Accounting program is a 30-credit-hour graduate degree, designed for those who hold undergraduate accounting degrees and aspire to achieve advanced accounting and business education.

The CSOA has completed curriculum updates for both the BBA and MS Accounting Programs consistent with the latest CPA Exam content and format requirements. Graduates of the combined curriculum (BBA and MS) meet the educational requirements to sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam.

A PhD in Accounting is offered to students seeking a career in higher education.

Accounting Degree Programs >

A Career in Demand

Accountancy offers range of exciting careers and opportunities; much more than the misconception of dull, number-crunching desk work. In actuality, the accounting field provides fundamental skills for a career path in the fast-paced, dynamic world of business. Majoring in this degree will equip you with the necessary proficiencies for successful entrepreneurial ventures. 

As a universal profession, accountancy also offers geographic freedom because – no matter where you choose to live – businesses and the private sector will always need accountants. 

A career always in demand, accountancy offers job stability and growth. As more companies go public and the economy faces continued growth, the market for accountants rises as well. The globalization of a business, trade, mergers and acquisitions also increases demand for accountants. With an accounting degree, you are immediately hireable.


Explore Hiring Organizations >

Taught by Industry Experts

Our faculty take a holistic approach to education to create lifelong learners with real-world skills. By imparting knowledge from diverse business backgrounds, both theoretical and practical, our instructors prepare students to adapt to an evolving business landscape.

In fact, some of our faculty members literally wrote the book on accounting. Dr. Zabihollah Rezaee, who holds the Thompson-Hill Chair of Excellence, has written several books on Business Sustainability and one of them is used as a textbook in the MS Program. In addition, Dr. Rezaee recently had a research study accepted for publication in The Accounting Review, one of the most prestigious accounting journals and is also the Senior Editor of The Journal of Forensic Accounting Research.

Professor Steve Lin holds the James T. Thompson Chair of Excellence in Accounting Education and is the Senior Editor of the Journal of International Accounting Research.

Faculty & Research  >
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