
Our mission in the Academic Advising Center is to provide effective, personalized, accurate, and developmental advising to all undergraduate students who are:

  • undecided about their major,
  • pursuing pre-Nursing as a major,
  • taking pre-major courses, or
  • exploring alternate majors.

Your academic advisor is committed to your academic success. We strive to:

  • Facilitate each student's transition into the University
  • Assist students in exploring, selecting and achieving their educational, career and personal goals
  • Support academic excellence
  • Empower student decision making
  • Convey accurate information regarding University requirements and majors
  • Help students understand the University policies and procedures
  • Refer students to appropriate campus resources
  • Develop positive relationships with each advisee

Advising services are provided in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the National Academic Advising Association.

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