Passport Scholarship

The Passport Scholarship is an initiative of the UofM Education Abroad Office with the goal of helping low-income UofM students take the first step towards studying abroad. The Passport Scholarship will provide reimbursement for the costs of obtaining a passport, including the $130 passport fee, $35 service fee, and the cost of obtaining passport photos, which is estimated to cost from $10 to $15.  No commitment to study abroad is required to receive the Passport Scholarship! (For Lambuth Students, please scroll down to "Lambuth Campus Instructions.")


To receive the $180 Passport Scholarship, students must:

  • Have an EFC of 0 as determined by their current FAFSA
  • Submit a completed passport application packet at the Fall Semester Study Abroad Fair on September 11, 2024 between 11 am and 3 pm at the Rose Theatre
  • Be one of the first 100 qualifying students to submit an application
  • Complete a Passport Scholarship Voucher form provided at the time of application

After the Study Abroad Fair, the Study Abroad Office will verify the financial aid status of each student. The first 100 qualifying students will then be issued a $180 Scholarship to the student's TigerXpress Account. Students who are of the first to submit a voucher but do not have an EFC of 0 may be considered for the scholarship on a space available basis. Students will learn of their award status approximately 1 - 2 weeks after the Study Abroad Fair. Students who do not receive the scholarship will not be issued a refund and cannot withdraw their application.

Students are responsible for ensuring they have all required items by September 11, 2024.

Anyone (regardless of scholarship eligibility) may apply for their passport at the Study Abroad Fair.  Passport renewals that require the form DS-82 will not be able to be accepted at the Fair. You may renew online! Click Here. (Can you renew by mail? Check here.)To apply for a passport at the fair, students must submit a completed application packet consisting of:

  • Completed DS-11 Form (Print and fill out in black ink. DO NOT SIGN YOUR FORM)
  • Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (U.S. official birth certificate is most common)
  • Photocopy of Evidence of U.S. Citizenship document (copy front and back, single sided, grayscale)
  • *Present ID (Valid driver's license is most common)
  • Photocopy of ID (front and back, single sided, grayscale)
  • Passport-sized photo (Can be obtained at locations such as CVS, RiteAid, Walgreens, etc)
  • 2 Checks or Money Orders: One in the amount of $130 (passport fee) written to the US Department of State; one in the amount of $35 (service fee). Applicants will not know who to write this to until the time of application. They will fill in that line when they apply. Money orders can be obtained at the Campus Post Office in the UC 259 Monday through Friday before 2 pm prior to the event. Money orders have a fee of $1.25, and the fee along with the full amount of the money order must be paid in cash.

Estimated regular processing time is currently 6-8 weeks, but this is subject to change.

To expedite your passport for an estimated processing time of 2-3 weeks, applicants will submit a passport fee via check or money order in the amount of $125.89 (includes regular passport fee and expedited mailing fee) written to the US Department of State along with a second money order or check in the amount of $25 (service fee). The normal $60 additional expediting fee is waived.

All applicants must look over the detailed instructions provided on the required items above located on the US Department of State website here: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/need-passport/apply-in-person.html. It is the applicant's responsibility to follow all directions provided regarding the items required for application.

(Only students who submit their application in person at the Study Abroad Fair are eligible for the Passport Scholarship. Students who submit their passport at a Passport Acceptance Facility, such as a post office, cannot receive the scholarship.)

* Students who have a non-TN driver's license will need to submit an additional form of ID. Please click the "Present ID" in the list above for additional information.

Lambuth Campus Instructions:

If you attend the Lambuth campus, you can still receive the Passport Scholarship!

Lambuth students must:

  • Complete a Passport Scholarship Voucher at the Lambuth Study Abroad Fair on Wednesday, September 18 from 11 am to 3 pm in the Student Union
  • Be one of the first 10 students with an EFC of 0 to complete the voucher. (Students who are of the first to submit a voucher but do not have an EFC of 0 may be considered for the scholarship on a space available basis)
  • Email proof to tigersabroad@memphis.edu that you submitted your complete passport application (including paying the required fees) between September 18 and September 27, 2024

Once the Study Abroad Office confirms your eligibility and receives your documentation, a Passport Scholarship in the amount of $180 will be posted to your TigerXpress account.

To see the documents you need to submit along with the locations you may submit your completed application to, please go here: https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/passports/applyinperson.html (Lambuth students will follow the regular process in apply for and submitting their passport application.)

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