Vice Provost for International Affairs & Operations

Position Details

Search Type: Internal Search - apply for this position on WORKforUM 

Search Committee Members:

  • Dr. Ashish Joshi  
    • Committee Chair | Dean, School of Public Health 

  • Dr. Nicole Detraz
    • Professor, Political Science | Director, International and Global Studies
  • William Hampton 
    • Assistant University Counsel 

  • Dr. Darla Keel 
    • Assistant Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Systems and University Registrar

  • Dr. Marian Levy
    • Professor, Associate Dean, School of Public Health

  • Dr. Sanjay Mishra
    • Professor, Physics and Materials Sciences | Faculty Senate representative

  • George Ninan 
    • Assistant Vice President of Financial Accounting and Reporting & University Controller 

  • Dr. Okenwa Okoli 
    • Dean, Herff College of Engineering 

  •  Dr. Vasile Rus 
    • Professor, Computer Science  

  • Dr. Eric Stokes 
    • Assistant Vice Provost and Director, Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Orientation 

  • Dr. William Thompson 
    • Associate Professor of French | Director, International and Global Studies 

  • Dr. Deb Tollefsen 
    • Vice Provost and Dean, Graduate School