Professional Development Resources

During the 2023 calendar year, the Office of Academic Affairs is embracing the professional development theme of Cultural Responsivity

A shared professional development theme offers us the opportunity to share resource recommendations with each other, engage in conversations about how to apply what we learn in our daily work activities and work together to continually improve inclusiveness for all members of our campus community. Interim Provost Dr. Abby Parrill-Baker asks that all members of Academic Affairs, both faculty and staff, choose one theme-appropriate professional development activity to engage with this year. 

Ideas for participation include watching a webinar, reading an article/book or participating in a unit-level group workshop. Should you come across some great resources and want to share them with colleagues, please use the form below to provide that information. 


Submit a Resource >


book icon Books

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The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up A Generation for Failure (2018)

AUTHORS: Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

ISBN: 0735224897  |  Link to eBook via UofM Library

SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Bill Hardgrave, President

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Subtle Acts of Exclusion

AUTHORS: Tiffany Jana and Michale Baran

ISBN: 1523087056  |  Link to eBook via UofM Library


  • Reason for Recomendation:
    It is an excellent resource for discussing important ways that we can make our workplace more inclusive for all members of the campus community.

computer mouse and lightbult icon Online Resources

Examples: Articles, Websites, Videos, Webinars, Virtual Conferences



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Colonial History and Global Economics Distort our Understanding of Deep-Time Biodiversity

SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Gary Stinchcomb, Earth Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences

  • Reason for Recomendation:
    This article discusses how colonialism has impacted the fossil record and potentially biased our understanding of biodiversity through geologic time. The authors provide path(s) forward through equitable and sustainable collaborations.

    This paper will be included/discussed in ESCI 4344/6344: Soils of Human Evolution. This this course discusses past environments and climates of fossil hominids in eastern Africa, a fossil-rich region heavily impacted by colonialism.

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Indigenous Perspectives on Native Student Challenges in Higher Education

SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Michael Huffman, Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality & Resort Management

  • Reason for Recomendation:
    While growing up I was fortunate enough to know many different Native Americans (Choctaw, Chickasaw, Kiowa, Apache, Dine or Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, and Lakota).  During that time, I learned that many had practices and cultural values that were quite different from my own.  As a result, I helped found a non-profit organization that raised money for college scholarships for Native Americans (although the non-profit no longer exists).    

    Many Native American cultures have traditional values and practices that are somewhat incongruent with those common in higher education today.  This website asks important questions and provides some suggestions for facilitating the academic success of Native American students on today's university campuses.
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Don't Say Nothing


  • Reason for Recomendation:
    Students are increasingly concerned at the silence they hear from faculty surrounding community events (especially when those events make national headlines.) I don't think faculty are silent out of callousness, but many might not know or think it's their place. But silence can be loud. This resource might not feel geared towards higher ed but our students don't necessarily see us as completely divorced from their K12 experience with those at the head of their classroom, and we can learn a lot from those relationships and responsibilities.
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Discussing Race, Racism and Police Violence



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Safe Zone Projectthesafezoneproject.com 

SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Brad Harrell, Loewenberg College of Nursing

  • Reason for Recommendation:
    Leading resource and training on terminology, awareness, and inclusivity for sexual/gender minorities.

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The Opportunity Myth | opportunitymyth.tntp.org

SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Sally Parrish, Educational Initiatives


conference icon PAST In-Person Conferences / Workshops

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HERFF CHAIR OF EXCELLENCE 2023 SYMPOSIUM;  Teaching Bias, Cultural Competency, and Racism in Law Schools 

DATE: Friday, February 3, 2023 

SUBMITTED BY: Dean Kate Schaffzin, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law

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