Feinstone Interdisciplinary Research University Professorship

In consideration of Dr. W. Harry Feinstone’s desire to support the University’s faculty rewards program; designed to help the University retain its best and brightest faculty and to advance the University’s goal to become a first-rate urban research university.

The purpose of the W. Harry Feinstone Interdisciplinary Research Professorship is to conduct cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research and to serve as a role model for other investigators at the University. Secondarily, the holder of this Professorship will have responsibility for promoting interdisciplinary research on the University of Memphis campus.

Process & Information

  • Faculty members, department chairs, or other college administrators can nominate eligible recipients.

  • The Provost, with input from an advisory faculty group, would select the recipient(s) of a University Professorship subject to the approval of the President of the University.

  • Awardees would be allowed to use their allocations for salaries, travel, supplies, or other expenses in any proportion they choose, as long as the total sum does not exceed the annual award amount.

  • The actual amount of the salary supplement and miscellaneous awards may vary slightly from year-to-year due to investment income results but would be approximately $5,000 per year for three years.


  • Senior professors with a past and current record that reflects the conduct and facilitation of interdisciplinary research are eligible.

  • Full professors with ten (10) years of service at the University of Memphis are eligible for the program.

  • Associate professors with five (5) years of service at the University are eligible for the program.

  • Awardees would hold University Professorships for a maximum of three (3) years.

  • Selection will be based upon the quality of the faculty member's teaching, research, and service/outreach, with a priority given to faculty contributing in all three areas.


Professorships are awarded every three (3) years. 

Donate to the Feinstone Research Professorship.

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