The First Horizons University Professorship Recipients

The First Horizons Foundation established the First Horizons University Professorships Program to help the University retain its best and brightest faculty and to advance the University's goal to become a first-rate urban research university. The purpose of the First Horizons University Professorship is to promote the University’s goals of academic quality, community connections and expanded research capabilities. The Professorship will recognize outstanding individual faculty contributions in teaching, scholarship, service and outreach.


2022    Sajjan Shiva | Department of Computer Science

2022    Marcus Wicker | Department of English

2022    Eraina Schauss | Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology & Research

2019    Andrew Olney | Institute for Intelligent Systems (ISS)

2019    Albert Nguyen | Department of Music

2015    Eddie Jacobs | Department of Electrical Computer Engineering

2012    Robert Kozma | Department of Mathematics

2012    Brian Janz | Department of Management Information Systems

2012    Carol Crown | Department of Art

2012    Ralph Faudree | Department of Mathematics

2011    Marla Stafford | Department of Marketing Supply Management

2009    Deborah Lowther | Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

2009    Cary Holladay | Department of English

2008    David Allen | Department of Management

2008    Erin Babakus | Department of Marketing Supply Management

2008    Eugene Buder | Department of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology

2008    Roy VanArsdale | Department of Earth Sciences

2008    Theodore Burkey | Department of Chemistry

2007    Albert Okunade | Department of Economics

2006    David Evans | Department of Music

2006    M. Allison Graham | Department of Communication

2005    Carl Halford | Department of Electrical Computer Engineering

2005    Gloria Baxter | Department of Theatre & Dance


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