Guidelines & Instructions for Submitting Dossier via OneDrive

The purpose of this guide is to help Faculty Members through the process of submitting their dossier for Promotion and/or Tenure via OneDrive (i.e., the “electronic dossier” and formerly known as "UMdrive").

This guide should not be treated as a complete ‘How-To’ document but rather a guide for how most departments complete this process.

Some departments may have methods and procedures which vary from what is listed below. Always check with your Department or College Administrator to ensure you are using the correct process.


OneDrive will be used to house your dossier throughout its completion. Each department has its own method for granting you access to your folder; this information will be provided to you by your Department or College administrator.

You will be provided with access rights to this folder during times in which you are expected to upload documents. After you upload your documents your access will be removed. If you wish to keep copies of any portions of the dossier for later reference, save them separately from the dossier.


File Type

  • When uploading documents to complete the dossier it is REQUIRED that all documents are uploaded as PDF's.  Using any other file types may complicate the review of your dossier. If you have any issues converting files to a PDF please submit a UofM Helpdesk ticket or call (901) 678-8888 for assistance.


Structure & File Name

  • A complete dossier consists of several individual documents spread across several major sections.

  • Some documents are situational and may not be included in every dossier. Consult with your Department or College Administrator if you have any questions.

  • The list below is the order in which your necessary documents should appear in your dossier folder.  Do NOT create subfolders within your dossier.

  • If there is a document that does not apply to you, do NOT upload a blank page. Simply move on and upload the next document required for your dossier. 

  • IMPORTANT - File Name:
    • Be sure to use the number system and document name indicated below when you name your documents

    • Every file/document should replicate the following naming format: "# - Name of Document (Faculty Member LAST NAME, FIRST INITIAL)".  

      • For Example: below is how documents in section 1 should be named for "Professor Tom Tiger" before uploaded to OneDrive.

        • 1.1 - Promotion & Tenure Recommendation Form (Tiger, T)

        • 1.2 - Promotion & Tenure Appointment History Form (Tiger, T)

        • 1.3 - Timeline Reduction Form (Tiger, T) 

        • 1.4 - Stop the Clock Request Form (Tiger, T)


List & Order of Documents

# Name of Document Uploaded By:
1.1 Promotion & Tenure Recommendation Form
  • Scan and upload the signed form. Must have Department Chair and Committee Chair signatures.
  • Link to Form
1.2 Promotion & Tenure Appointment History Form
1.3 Timeline Adjustment Form
  • Optional - Many Faculty members will not have a Timeline Adjustment Form
  • Link to Form
1.4 Stop the Clock Request Form
  • Optional - Many Faculty members will not have an approved Stop the Clock Request Form
  • Link to Form

Unit & Department-level Statements
Statements should present strengths and weaknesses of the candidate relative to relevant promotion and/or tenure criteria.  The relative weighting of these strengths and weaknesses in arriving at a recommendation should be discussed.  Each committee statement should include the names of the contributors to the recommendation. Statements should be signed and dated by a chair/director/dean or by the chair of the committee.

> Unit-level Statements
2.1 Statement from the Dean Dean's Office
2.1.a Rebuttal Letter from Applicant (if applicable) Applicant
2.1.b Final Statement from the Dean Dean's Office
2.2 Statement from the College/School Committee Dean's Office
2.2.a Rebuttal Letter from Applicant (if applicable) Applicant
2.2.b Final Statement from the College/School Committee Dean's Office
2.3 Solicited Review Letter (if applicable) Dean's Office
> Department-level Statements (only for candidates appointed in department/school within a college)
3.1 Statement from the Department Chair, Area Head Department
3.1.a Rebuttal Letter from Applicant (if applicable) Applicant
3.1.b Final Statement from the Department Chair, Area Committee Department
3.2 Statement from the Department, Area Committee Department
3.2.a Rebuttal Letter from Applicant (if applicable) Applicant
3.2.b Final Statement from the Department Chair Department
3.3 Solicited Review Letter (if applicable) Department
4.1 University Curriculum Vitae
4.2 Initial Appointment Letter
  • Scan and upload.
4.3 Annual Evaluations
  • Upload evaluations from the last five (5) calendar years.
  • File name examples:
    • 4.3 - Annual Evaluation 2019 (Tiger, T)
    • 4.3 - Annual Evaluation 2020 (Tiger, T)
> Documents to Accompany Applicants for Tenure
5.1 Mid-Tenure Evaluation Statement by Department Applicant
5.2 Mid-Tenure Evaluation Statement by Chair Applicant
5.3 Solicited Review Letter (if applicable) Department
> Instruction (documents to be included only if workload includes instruction)
6.1 Instruction - Brief Summary of Teaching Responsibility, Philosophy Applicant
6.2 SETE Summary Form
6.3 Peer Evaluations of Teaching
  • Only if the Department provides these: do not solicit them.
6.4 Instruction-related Honors and Awards
  • Upload a document that list these honors and awards only. Do not attach copies of certificates, letters, etc.
6.5 Internal Instructional-related Grants Applicant
6.6 External Instructional-related Grants and Contracts Applicant
> Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity (documents to be included only if workload includes research, scholarship, or creative activity)
7.1 Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity - Brief Summary of Accomplishments & Plans Applicant
7.2 External Peer Reviewer Letter
  • Add as many 7.2 documents as necessary. Scan and upload.
  • File name example:
    • 7.2 -  External Peer Reviewer Letter – Peer Reviewer Last Name (Tiger, T)
7.3 Summary of Credentials of External Peer Reviewers
7.4 Copy of Solicitation Letter to External Peer Reviewers
7.5 Research-related Honors and Awards
  • Upload a document that list these honors and awards only. Do not attach copies of certificates, letters, etc.
7.6 Internal Research, Scholarship, or Creative Activity-related Grants Applicant
7.7 External Research, Scholarship, or Creative Activity-related Grants and Contracts Applicant
> Service, Outreach, Advising, Mentoring, Administration (documents to be included only if workload includes service, outreach, advising, mentoring and/or administration)
8.1 Service, Outreach, Advising, Mentoring, Administration - Brief Summary of Responsibilities and Accomplishments Applicant
8.2 Service-related Honors and Awards
  • Upload a document that list these honors and awards only. Do not attach copies of certificates, letters, etc.
8.3 Internal Service-related Grants Applicant
8.4 External Service-related Grants and Contracts Applicant
9.1 List of Supplemental Materials
  • Unit-specific – include supplemental materials only if required by department or college promotion and tenure guidelines
9.2 Supplemental Materials
  • Unit-specific – Add as many 9.2 documents as necessary to comply with department or college promotion and tenure guidelines