About Academic Affairs

The division of Academic Affairs provides leadership and support at the University of Memphis for all faculty personnel matters, faculty development, tenure and promotion, faculty governance, faculty related policy, undergraduate and graduate academic programs and curriculum, classroom and learning environments, research support and compliance, institutional research, accreditation matters, and community engagement.

The university's chief academic officer and provost oversees and provides leadership to the division and to the deans of the following colleges/schools: College of Arts & Sciences, College of Communication & Fine Arts, College of Education, College of Health Sciences, College of Professional & Liberal Studies, Fogelman College of Business & Economics, Herff College of Engineering, Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality & Resort Management, Loewenberg College of Nursing, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of Public Health, Graduate School, University Libraries, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law and the Lambuth campus.

Meet the Provost >

Provost Portfolio >

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