Customize Your Degree

Undergraduate students seeking specific learning interests not satisfied through other academic departments may create an individualized program of study that is both challenging and rewarding. This program is offered both on campus and fully online depending on a students coordinated study.  Students choosing to create an individualized program of study should be prepared to: 

  • Propose a program of study totally different from any other undergraduate degree offered by the University of Memphis
  • Determine how the proposed program of study will aid in achieving academic and career goals
  • Choose upper-division courses from at least two separate and distinct academic disciplines (e.g. Communications and Political Science; Education and Sociology, etc.) as part of a coordinated study major. Students will outline their coordinated study as part of a baccalaureate contract that serves as a working agreement between the student and the College of Professional & Liberal Studies.


Bachelor of Liberal Studies (B.L.S.) with a major in Liberal Studies
Bachelor of Professional Studies (B.P.S.) with a major in Professional Studies

Minimum GPA for Admission


Minimum GPA to graduate 

2.0 required overall and for University of Memphis courses
2.0 GPA is also required for 33 upper-division credits in Coordinated Study

How the program is listed on the transcript

With Concentration In: (student selects title of the program). 

Program Structure

The coordinated study is comprised of 33-credit hours (11-courses) selected by the student from two or more emphasis areas. Each emphasis area must have a minimum of 12-credit hours. No more than 21-credit hours may come from any single academic department or subject.  

All courses in the coordinated study must be upper-division (3000/4000 level). Each student completes a baccalaureate contract under the guidance of an academic advisor. This contract serves as a working agreement between the student and the College of Professional & Liberal Studies.

Other requirements: 
  • No “D” grades can be used in the major
  • 6-credits in Thematic Studies courses
  • 3-credits as Senior Project capstone course
  • 120-credits total required with at least 42 as upper-division level
  • (9-credits hours in Coordinated Study must be from UofM)
  • All alternative credits (Experiential Learning Credit, CLEP, DSST) must be posted to your University of Memphis transcript before the start of final semester

Please note: This program DOES NOT lead to teacher licensure. Students interested in pursuing a teaching license should contact the College of Education at 901-678-2377. 

Review/Approval Process

CPLS students must submit a baccalaureate contract by the deadline specified to have an approved degree program. (Degree review can take up to 8-10 weeks) 

Contract Submission Deadlines:
Summer Graduation - March 15th   |   Fall Graduation - June 15th   |   Spring Graduation - October 15th
Graduation date may be moved to the next term for contracts submitted AFTER the posted deadline.

Start a Contract

Sample Professional Studies or Liberal Studies Contract

Start a Contract

Note: Download and save to your desktop to complete the .pdf form. Review additional submission instructions on final page.

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