The League Link

Headline excerpted from the Link Newsletter

The official newsletter of The Original Fayette County Civic and Welfare League (OFCCWL) was first printed by mimeograph. It began circulating among members of the organization as early as April 1, 1961. The idea for the newsletter was suggested by young, white civil rights activist Charlie Butts, who went to assist activists in the early 1960s. Minnie Jameson credited Butts with aiding her and the OFCCWL in creating the newsletter, which informed the black community in Fayette County about voter registration drives, the needs of families and available resources, demonstration marches, and the importance of being civically engaged. Minnie Jameson, the League's secretary, was responsible for gathering, typing, and arranging content for the newsletter and distributing it throughout the community. This newsletter began a process by the OFCCWL to document events as they occurred, and now serves as a detailed history of the Fayette County movement.

League Link

Charlie Butts Talks about The League Link

2002 Documentary Project on Fayette County, TN: Special Collections, University of Memphis Libraries.

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