Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (SETE)

The University of Memphis Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (SETE) allows students to offer input on their courses to guide ongoing improvement. Starting in Fall 2023, the revised survey gathers feedback with 18 questions across the six instructional areas below, along with one overall effectiveness question and two open-ended feedback questions:

  • Student Engagement
  • Climate and Inclusion
  • Organization
  • Content Knowledge
  • Responsive Instruction
  • Assessment and Feedback

Every faculty member and teaching assistant who teaches must be evaluated. The instructor does not receive the SETE results until after the student grades are finalized for the term. The results of the SETE can be valuable tools for faculty and instructors as they introspectively reflect on their own instructional methods. SETE  responses can help faculty and instructors recognize areas of strength and also identify areas in which improvement is warranted. Reflecting and acting on SETE responses in this way is a vital part of a continuous instructional improvement process.

The results of the SETE and faculty reflections on the SETE results are also important tools used by the chair and dean to evaluate the teaching performance of a faculty member and are also considered during promotion and tenure review.

The University thanks each of you for your participation in the Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness process.