FedEx Institute of Technology Attracts Two Blockchain Technology Startups to University District

June 5, 2018 - The University of Memphis has announced that two new technology startups will join the FedEx Institute of Technology. Miami-based dexFreight and Halifax-based Peer Ledger have both signed memorandums of understanding with the FedEx Institute.

"The University District over the next several years will evolve to become the heart of technology innovation in our region," said Dr. Jasbir Dhaliwal, UofM chief innovation officer. "Companies like Peer Ledger and dexFreight help to change the narrative, and building research collaborations and workforce development solutions for these young companies helps to seed Memphis as a national destination for applied innovation. The UofM is driven by doing, and it really shows in partnerships like these."

dexFreight is an open source logistics platform built on blockchain technology and machine learning that helps improve supply chain collaboration and promote more efficient shipping. Peer Ledger creates and hosts blockchain applications in the automotive manufacturing and healthcare sectors.

"Memphis presents an exciting opportunity to dexFreight as we grow in the space of blockchain applications for the logistics industry," said Dr. Rajat Rajbhandari, dexFreight co-founder and CEO. "The potential to cultivate a 21st century workforce in partnership with the University of Memphis and the FedEx Institute of Technology's research clusters is a major driver for our decision to operate in Memphis."

"As blockchain and other exciting new technologies begin to permeate all industries, Peer Ledger wants to be in the middle of this rising city and the huge growth potential for our company in U.S. market," said Dr. Dawn Jutla, the company's CEO and president. "The FedEx Institute of Technology and University of Memphis students are critical to our success, and we look forward to working with them to further realize the success of our company."

For more information about these relationships, or to join the mailing list for future events related to the FedEx Institute of Technology's efforts to attract international talent to Memphis, email fedex@memphis.edu.

Mary Ann Dawson l mdawson@memphis.edu l 901.678.1596

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