Resources for Tennessee Federal Depository Libraries

Tennessee Discard Resources

List of Tennessee Federal Depository Libraries
Procedures for Withdrawal of U.S. Government Depository Publications
Guidelines for Formatting Lists 
Discard List Contacts for Tennessee Federal Shared Holdings Libraries
Tennessee Discard Master Lists
Tennessee State Plan

Federal Depository Library Program Resources

Legal Requirements and Program Regulations

List of Classes

Depository Administration Tools

Administrative Notes
WebTech Notes
Documents Data Miner 3- DDM3 is a web-based data warehousing and data mining tool, which assists depository libraries in processing, cataloging, and bibliographic control of federal documents.
GPO Superseded Guidelines/List 

Guidance and Specifications

Guidance- Contains advice on how to comply with FDLP  regulations
Instructions- Includes information on the features, functionality and usage of FDLP-related tools and services
Substitution of Depository Materials- Guidance on replacing one format of a publication with another format
Collections and Databases- Describes the various products and services that are uniquely available to Federal depository libraries
Promotion- Includes information on how to promote our Federal depository library within your community

FDLP Issues

FDLP News and Events

Organization Resources


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