Degree Program Contacts

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Communication and Fine Arts

College of Education

College of Health Sciences

College of Professional and Liberal Studies

Fogelman College of
Business and Economics

Herff College of Engineering

Kemmons Wilson School of
Hospitality and Resort Management

Loewenberg College of Nursing

School of Communication
Sciences and Disorders

School of Public Health


College of Arts and Sciences

Phone: 901.678.5454, FAX: 901.678.4831
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/cas/
107 Scates Hall
Dr. Abby Parrill-Baker, Dean -- 901.678.5454, aparrill@memphis.edu
Roger Kreuz, PhD, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies -- 901.678.3372, rkreuz@memphis.edu
Stormey Warren, College Director of Graduate Studies, shutsell@memphis.edu

Department of Anthropology
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2080, FAX: 901.678.2069
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/anthropology/
316 Manning Hall 
Kathryn Hicks, Ph.D., Chair -- 901.678.2080, kahicks2@memphis.edu
Dr. Michael Perez , Graduate Studies Coordinator, mvperez@memphis.edu

Department of Biological Sciences
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2581
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/biology/
E-mail: grad_studies_coordinator@memphis.edu
201 Life Sciences
Dave Freeman, PhD, Chair
Shawn Brown, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator, spbrown2@memphis.edu

Department of Chemistry
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2621, FAX: 901.678.3447
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/chem/
210 Smith Chemistry
Paul Simone, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.3671, psimone@memphis.edu
Timothy Brewster, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.2692, tbrwster@memphis.edu

Department of City and Regional Planning, School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2161, Fax: 901.678.4162
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/planning/
109 Browning
Charles Santo, PhD, Chair and Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.3566, casanto@memphis.edu

Department of Computer Science
Master Applicant Information |
Doctorate Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.5465, Fax: 901.678.1506
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/cs/
E-mail: csgrad@memphis.edu
375 Dunn Hall
Scott Fleming, PhD, Chair, sdflming@memphis.edu
Xiaofei Zhang, PhD, Graduate Admissions Director -- 901.678.2471, Xiaofei.Zhang@memphis.edu
Anna Brown, Program Update Form Approver -- 901.678.3685, bnbrown2@memphis.edu
Deepak Venugopal, PhD, Graduate Coordinator, dvngopal@memphis.edu
Myounggyu Won, PhD, Graduate Certificate in Data Science Coordinator, mwon@memphis.edu
Kan Yang, PhD, Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Coordinator, Kan.Yang@memphis.edu

Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2737, Fax: 901.678.5279
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/cjustice/
311 Browning Hall 
Bert Burraston, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.4767, bbrrston@memphis.edu 
Dr. James McCutcheon, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.2737, jcmcctch@memphis.edu

Data Science
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.5259, Fax: 901.678.1506
Home page: www.memphis.edu/datascience
E-mail: datascience@memphis.edu
323 Dunn Hall/ 403B FedEx Institute of Technology
Vasile Rus, PhD,  MS Data Science Program Coordinator -- 901.678.5259, vrus@memphis.edu 

Department of Earth Sciences
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2177, FAX: 901.678.2178
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/earthsciences/
107 Johnson Hall 
Arleen Hill, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.2178, aahill@memphis.edu
Andrew Mickelson, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.4361, amicklsn@memphis.edu

Center for Earthquake Research & Information
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2007, FAX: 901.678.4734
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/ceri/
3890 Central Ave
Vadim Levin, PhD, Director -- 901.678.5583, vllevin@memphis.edu
Eunseo Choi,PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.4923, echoi2@memphis.edu

Department of English
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2651, FAX: 901.678.2226
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/english/
E-mail: ego@memphis.edu
467 Patterson Hall 
Terrence Tucker, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.3449, tttucker@memphis.edu
William Duffy, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.2653, weduffy@memphis.edu

Department of History
Applicant Information - Master's
Applicant Information - PhD
Phone: 901.678.2515, FAX: 901.678.2720
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/history/
219 Mitchell Hall 
Sarah Potter, Interim Chair Fall 2024 -- 901.678.2515, spotter1@memphis.edu 
Andrew Daily, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.2868, amdaily@memphis.edu

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2482, FAX: 901.678.2480
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/msci/
373 Windfield Dunn Hall 
Thomas Hagen, PhD, Interim Chair -- 901.678.2481, thagen@memphis.edu   
Randall McCutcheon, PhD, Graduate Coordinator for MATH-PhD programs.  Chair of Graduate Committee.  rmcctchn@memphis.edu 
Segun George, PhD, Graduate Coordinator for STAT-PhD and STST-MS programs.  eogeorge@memphis.edu  
Gisele Goldstein, PhD, Graduate Coordinator for MATH-MS programs in Applied Math and Math. ggoldste@memphis.edu  
Ben McCarty, PhD, Graduate Coordinator for MATH-MA and certificate programs in Teaching of Mathematics.  ben.mccarty@memphis.edu  

Department of Philosophy
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2535, FAX: 901.678.4365
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/philosophy/
E-mail: philosophy@memphis.edu
337 Clement Hall 
Michael Monahan, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.2535, mjmnahan@memphis.edu
Daniel Smith, PhD, Graduate Admissions Director -- 901.678.2535, d.j.smith@memphis.edu
Daniel Smith, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.2535, d.j.smith@memphis.edu

Department of Physics and Materials Science
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2620, FAX: 901.678.4733
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/physics/
216 Manning Hall 
Firouzeh Sabri, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.2126, fsabri@memphis.edu
Xiao Shen, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.1668, xshen1@memphis.edu

Department of Political Science
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2395, FAX: 901.678.2983
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/polisci/
437 Clement Hall 
Matthias Kaelberer, PhD, Department Chair and Interim Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.2395, mkaelbrr@memphis.edu
Derefe Chevannes, PhD, Graduate Recruiting Coordinator -- 901.678.2395, dkchvnns@memphis.edu

Department of Psychology
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2145, FAX: 901.678.2579
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/psychology/
202 Psychology Building 
Randy G. Floyd, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.2146, rgfloyd@memphis.edu
Ryan Farmer, Director of the School MA and Education Specialist Degree Program, rlfarmer@memphis.edu
Helen J. Sable, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.4343, hjsable@memphis.edu

Department of Public and Nonprofit Administration, School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.3360; FAX 901.678.2981
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/padm/
Email: mpa@memphis.edu
235 Browning Hall
Sharon Wrobel, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.4720, swrobel@memphis.edu
Erin Nelson, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator and MNM Coordinator -- 901.678.5527-- knmenoff@memphis.edu 

Department of Sociology
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2611, FAX: 901.678.2525
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/sociology/ 
231 Clement Hall 
Wesley James, PhD, Chair, wljames1@memphis.edu
Gretchen Peterson, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator gpeterson@memphis.edu  

PhD in Urban Affairs, School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
Phone: 901-678-4090
Homepage: www.memphis.edu/suapp/urban-affairs
202 Browning Hall
Davia Downey PhD, Director -- 901.678.4090, dcdowney@memphis.edu

School of Social Work
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2616; FAX: 901.678.2981
Home Page:  www.memphis.edu/socialwork/
Susan Neely-Barnes, PhD, Chair --901.678.3438, snlybrns@memphis.edu

Susan Elswick, PhD, Interim Chair --901.678.1714, selswick@memphis.edu
Elena Delavega, PhD, DSW Program Coordinator -- mdlavega@memphis.edu
Katie Norwood, MSW Admissions Coordinator -- 901.678.3198, kknrwood@memphis.edu

School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
Phone: 901-678-5023
Homepage: https://www.memphis.edu/suapp/
Email: suapp@memphis.edu
200 Browning Hall

Department of World Languages and Literatures
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2507
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/wll/
108 Jones Hall
Robert Kelz, PhD, Chair, rkelz@memphis.edu  
Ivan Ortega Santos, PhD, Graduate Advisor of Spanish, rtgsntos@memphis.edu
Denis D. Grele, PhD, Graduate Advisor of French, ddgrele@memphis.edu  

College of Communication and Fine Arts

Phone: 901.678.2350, FAX: 901.678.5118
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/ccfa/ Debra Burns, PhD, Dean, dsburns@memphis.edu
Lucas Charles, MGD, Interim Associate Dean and College Director of Graduate Studies, lcharles@memphis.edu

Department of Architecture
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2724, FAX: 901.678.1755
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/architecture/  404 Jones Hall 
Michael D. Hagge, MArch, MCRP, Chair, mdhagge@memphis.edu
Jennifer Barker, MArch, Coordinator of Graduate Studies, jlbrker1@memphis.edu

Department of Art and Design
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2216, FAX: 901.678.2735
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/artanddesign/
200 Art and Communication Building
Matthew Gaynor, MFA, Chair, mgaynor@memphis.edu
Rebecca M. Howard, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator, rmhward2@memphis.edu  

Arts Entrepreneurship
Phone: 901.678.5085
Home Page: https://www.memphis.edu/ccfa/artsentrepreneurship/artsentrepreneurship.php
232 Communication and Fine Arts Building
Lucas Charles, Graduate Certificate Coordinator -- 901.678.3196, lcharles@memphis.edu
Gregory Harris, Administrative Assistant -- 901.678.5085, gjharris@memphis.edu

Art Museum
Phone: 901.678.2224, FAX: 901.678.5118
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/amum/
E-mail: artmuseum@memphis.edu
142 Communication and Fine Arts Building
Leslie Luebbers, PhD, Director and Coordinator -- lluebbrs@memphis.edu
Graduate Certificate Program in Museum Studies

Department of Communication and Film
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2565, FAX: 901.678.4331
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/communication/
E-mail:  commdept@memphis.edu
212 Art and Communication Building
Wendy Atkins-Sayre, PhD, Chair, wendy.atkins-sayre@memphis.edu
Craig Stewart, PhD, Director of Graduate Studies -- craig.stewart@memphis.edu

Department of Journalism and Strategic Media
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2401, FAX: 901.678.4287
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/jrsm/
300 Meeman Journalism 
Matthew Haught, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.2402, mjhaught@memphis.edu
Robert Byrd, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.4521, rdbyrd@memphis.edu

Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2541, FAX: 901.678.3096
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/music/
Scheidt Family Performing Arts Center 2119
Albert Nguyen, DMA, Interim Director -- 901.678.3773, albert.nguyen@memphis.edu  
Josef Hanson, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.4402, josef.hanson@memphis.edu 

Department of Theatre and Dance
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2523, FAX: 901.678.1350
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/theatre/
E-mail: theatre@memphis.edu
143 Theatre Building
Jacob Allen, DMA, Chair, jgallen@memphis.edu
John Yorke, MFA, Graduate Studies Coordinator, Jyorke@memphis.edu

College of Education

Phone: 901.678.4265, FAX: 901.678.4778
Mike Miller, EdD, Dean 901.678.4265 mtmller6@memphis.edu
Stephen Zanskas, Associate Dean szanskas@memphis.edu 
Brittany Foster, Graduate Studies Coordinator 901.678.2363 bvfster1@memphis.edu

Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2841, FAX: 901.678.5114
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/cepr/
100 Ball Hall
Pamela Cogdal, PhD, Department Chair- 901.678.2841, pcogdal@memphis.edu

Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2365, FAX: 901.678.3881
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/icl/
E-Mail: icl-graduate-studies@memphis.edu
404 Ball Hall 
Sandra Nichols, PhD, Department Chair -- 901.678.2862, S.Cooley-Nichols@memphis.edu
Shelby Tate, Academic Service Associate -- 901.678.3921 state1@memphis.edu  

Department of Leadership
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2369
FAX: 901.678.0505
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/lead/
Email: leadership@memphis.edu
Location: 123 Ball Hall
Department Chair: Alison Happel-Parkins; 901-501-5724; aahappel@memphis.edu
Melynda Whitwell, Admissions --  901.678.2841, mdlong@memphis.edu

College of Health Sciences

Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.4316, FAX: 901.678.3591
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/healthsciences/ 
106 Elma Roane Field House
Richard J. Bloomer, PhD, Dean -- 901.678.3591, rbloomer@memphis.edu
Lawrence Weiss, EdD, CHS Director of Academic Programs, CHS Director of Graduate Programs, Coordinator for M.S. programs -- 901.678.3591, lweiss@memphis.edu
Tracy Bruen, DCN, RDN, EdD, Coordinator MS Clinical Nutrition program -- 901.678.3108, tracy.bruen@memphis.edu

College of Professional and Liberal Studies

Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.4056, FAX: 901.678.4049
Home Page: https://www.memphis.edu/cpls/ 
201 Brister Hall
Joanne Gikas, EdD, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies Coordinator, jgikas@memphis.edu 

Fogelman College of Business and Economics

Phone: 901.678.2432, FAX: 901.678.3759 
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/fcbe/  
All FCBE Graduate Programs 

Applicant information for all FCBE Graduate Programs

Robert P. Garrett, PhD, Dean  -- robert.garrett@memphis.edu 
Carmen Astorne, PhD, Associate Dean, Academic Programs & Research, Associate professor-- cmstrnfg@memphis.edu 
Sandra Richardson, PhD, Associate Dean for Faculty and Administration -- srchardsn@memphis.edu

Graduate Programs Office 
Phone: 901.678.3721

101 Fogelman Administration  
John Cicala, PhD, Director, MBA Programs -- j.cicala@memphis.edu 
Anna Myers, Advisor for MSIS program and all Certificates offered by MIS department --ammyers@memphis.edu 
Emily Smith, Advisor for Professional MBA, Online MBA programs, and Advisor for General Business
Certificate --emelonas@memphis.edu 
April Jones, Advisor for MSBA Finance, MS Accounting, and Financial Analysis and Planning Certificate --Jhrris12@memphis.edu 

School of Accountancy 
Phone: 901.678.4569, FAX: 901.678.4282 
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/accountancy/ 
200 Fogelman Administration 
Nick Delener, PhD, Interim Director -- ndelener@memphis.edu 

James Lukawitz, PhD, Master's Program Coordinator -- jlukawtz@memphis.edu 
Nirmalee Raddatz, PhD, PhD Program Coordinator -- 901.678.4252, nraddatz@memphis.edu 

Department of Economics
Phone: 901.678.2785, FAX: 901.678.5380
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/economics/
400 Fogelman Administration
William Smith, PhD, Chair -- wtsmith@memphis.edu
Jamin D. Speer, PhD, Master's Program Coordinator -- jspeer@memphis.edu 
Joonhyung Lee, PhD, PhD Program Coordinator -- jlee17@memphis.edu

Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
Phone: 901.678.5930
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/finance/
402 Fogelman Administration
P.K. Jain, PhD, Chair, --, pjain@memphis.edu
Konstantin Sokolov, PhD, Finance PhD Program Coordinator -- ksokolov@memphis.edu

Department of Management
Phone: 901.678.4569, FAX: 901.678.4282
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/management/
202 Fogelman Administration
Kurt Kraiger, PhD, Chair -- kurt.kraiger@memphis.edu
James Vardaman, PhD, PhD Program Coordinator -- jvardamn@memphis.edu

Department of Management Information Systems
Phone: 901.678.4613, FAX: 901.678.4151
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/mis/
300 Fogelman Administration
Sandra Richardson, PhD, Interim Chair -- srchrdsn@memphis.edu
Huigang Liang, PhD, PhD Program Coordinator -- hliang1@memphis.edu

Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management
Phone: (901) 678-4613, FAX: 901.678.4151
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/mscm/
300 Fogelman Administration
Ernie Nichols, PhD, Chair, Supply Chain Management Advisor -- enichols@memphis.edu 

Susy Jaramillo, PhD, PhD Program Co-Coordinator -- mjchvrri@memphis.edu 
Alex Pratt, PhD, PhD Program Co-Coordinator -- abpratt@memphis.edu 

Herff College of Engineering

Phone: 901.678.2171, FAX: 901.678.4180
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/herff/
E-mail: rwmeier@memphis.edu
201 Engineering Admin Bldg. 
Dr. Okenwa Okoli, PhD, Dean-901.678.2171, o.okoli@memphis.edu 
Roger Meier, PhD, Director of Graduate Programs and College Director of Graduate Studies -- 901.678.3284, rwmeier@memphis.edu

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Phone: 901.678.3733, FAX: 901.678.5281
Home Page: https://www.memphis.edu/bme/academics/ 
330 Engineering Technology 
Joel D. Bumgardner, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.3733, jbmgrdnr@memphis.edu
John Williams, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.5485, jlwllm17@memphis.edu

Department of Civil Engineering
Phone: 901.678.2746, FAX: 901.678.3026
Home Page: https://www.memphis.edu/ce/future-students/msce.php 
104 Engineering Science 
Rouzbeh Nazari, PhhD, Chair- 901.678.3026, rnazari@memphis.edu  
Sabya Mishra, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator-901.678.5043 smishra3@memphis.edu  

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 901.678.2175, FAX: 901.678.5469
Home Page: https://www.memphis.edu/eece/programs/index.php 
206 Engineering Science 
Chrysanthe Preza, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.4369, cpreza@memphis.edu
Bonny Banerjee, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.4996, bbnerjee@memphis.edu

Department of Engineering Technology
Phone: 901.678.2225, FAX: 901.678.5145
Home Page: https://www.memphis.edu/et/current/grad.php 
203 Engineering Technology 
Scott Southall, MS, Chair -- 901.678.3980, ssouthll@memphis.edu
Kevin Berisso, PhD, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.4300, kberisso@memphis.edu

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: 901.678.2173, FAX: 901.678.3980
Home Page: https://www.memphis.edu/me/graduate/index.php 
312 Engineering Science 
Ali Fatemi, PhD, Chair -- 901.678.2257, afatemi@memphis.edu
Daniel Vincent Foti, Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.2580, dvfoti@memphis.edu

Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management

Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.2962 Fax: 901.678.0034
Homepage: www.memphis.edu/wilson/ 
330 Fogelman Drive, 4th Floor (Located in  the Fogelman Executive Center), Memphis, TN 38152-3020
Radesh Palakurthi, PhD, Dean -- 901.678.3430, rplkrthi@memphis.edu
Rui Qi, PhD, Director of Graduate Studies -- 901.678.4725,  rqi1@memphis.eduCarol Silkes, PhD, Hospitality Management Graduate Studies Coordinator -- 901.678.5699, csilkes@memphis.edu
Tim Ryan, PhD, Sport Commerce Graduate Studies Coordinator--901.678.5003, tdryan@memphis.edu
Deborah J. Thompson, Academic Advisor -- 901.678.8021, djthmps4@memphis.edu

Loewenberg College of Nursing

Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.5255, FAX: 901.678.3860
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/nursing/
E-Mail: msn@memphis.edu
2502 Community Health Bldg 
4055 North Park loop
Memphis,TN 38152
Linda Haddad, PhD, Dean -- 901.678.2020, lhaddad@memphis.edu
Debra Lynch Kelly, PhD, RN, FAAN, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (College Director of Graduate Studies), 901.678.2003, dlkelly4@memphis.edu 
Jeremy Whittaker, PhD, Associate Dean for Student Success and Inclusion, -- 901.678.2879, j.whittaker@memphis.edu 
Tracy Collins, DNP-FNP- BC, Director, FNP Concentration - 901.678.5778, tmason@memphis.edu
Jason Sasser, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, CCRN-K, CNE, Director, MSN Program and Director, Nursing Education and Executive Leadership, 901.678.2425, jsasser@memphis.edu
Annapoorrna Mary, PhD, MSc(n), RN, CNE, PhD Program Director, 901.678.2846, amary@memphis.edu
Leila Schroeder, Academic Services Coordinator II -- 901.678.5255, kbryce@memphis.edu

School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.5800, FAX: 901.525.1282
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/csd/
E-mail: admissionscsd@memphis.edu
4055 North Park Loop, Memphis, TN 38152
Linda D. Jarmulowicz, PhD, Dean -- 901.678.5800, ljrmlwcz@memphis.edu
Lynda Feenaughty, Ph.D., College Director of Graduate Studies - 901.678.5800, lfnughty@memphis.edu

School of Public Health

Phone: 901.678.1706, FAX: 901.678.0372
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/sph/
232 Robison Hall
E-mail: sphadmissions@memphis.eduAshish Joshi, PhD, MBBS, MPH, Dean -- 901.678.1673, ajoshi7@memphis.edu
Marian Levy, DrPH, RD, FAND, Director of Graduate Studies -- 901.678.4514, mlevy@memphis.edu

Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences
PhD Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678-2794, FAX: 901.678.1715
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/sph/programs/
208 Robison Hall
PhD, Division Director -- 
Satish Kedia, PhD, Doctoral Coordinator -- 901.678.1433, skkedia@memphis.edu

Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Environmental Health 
Master's Application Information | PhD Applicant Information | Dual Degree Programs
Phone: 901.678.2794, FAX: 901.678.1715
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/sph/programs/
208 Robison Hall
Hongmei Zhang, PhD, MS, Division Director -- 901.678.4707, hzhang6@memphis.edu
Xinhua Yu, MD, PhD, MS, Doctoral Coordinator -- 901.678.3433, xyu2@memphis.edu

MHA, EMHA, MPH, JD/MPH and Certificate Programs
Applicant Information
Phone: 901.678.1710, FAX: 901.678.0372
Home Page: www.memphis.edu/sph/programs/
225 Robison Hall
Shirl Sharpe, MS, Academic Services Coordinator -- 901.678.1710, ssharpe@memphis.edu