The world-wide-web is replete with links to Egyptological resources, and there are many pages of bibliography out there, of which the prime example is the Online Egyptological Bibliography. But as yet, none of the more systematic bibliographies are publishing links to the actual PDF files of books and articles which may be freely acquired online, although they may be collecting the URL references. This project attempts to go some way toward filling that gap.

Links to alphabetic sections (updates through March 2015):   A  B-C  D-F  G-J  K-M  N-R  S-U  V-Z

Use the link below to connect to a recently updated version of this list: 

Notice: Bookmark this page, not the individual lists, as the file names may change. 
The list uses standard Egyptological abbreviations for books and journals.

This project is a "work in progress", and is bound to contain errors and omissions. The document takes the form of one large HTML file with the data arranged by author; links to both the web page from which the file can be accessed and the PDF file for the document itself are given. Searching must be done using the Find function of your web browser. It may be possible to enhance this capability in the future, but much will depend on the reactions of internet users to this work.

The data has been collected and arranged by Andrea Middleton, Brooke Garcia, and Robyn Price, Graduate Assistants in the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, a unit of the Department of Art in the University of Memphis (Tennessee, USA). We have tried to seek out as many books and articles as possible on Egyptological subjects which are freely accessible to anyone without the need for privileged access. Thus we have searched sites such as the Internet Archive, the University of Heidelberg Library, the Oriental Institute, the Metropolitan Museum, the Giza Library, Ancient World Online (AWOL), and many more, as well as attempting to collect links noted in the pages of EEF (Egyptologists' Electronic Forum) News.

Sites which require institutional access or a password are not included—thus journals on JSTOR have not been indexed. Nor have papers available on www.academia.edu or  http://www.ifao.egnet.net/bifao/ (BIFAO) been included here. It is likely that some articles on JSTOR are duplicated elsewhere, and it is equally possible that some articles and books are available at more than one location. In the latter case, we have tried to give all the options.

Please report comments, errors, etc. to ppodzrsk @ memphis.edu. We hope this work is useful.


Nigel Strudwick
March 2015

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