Helping people communicate.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like not to be able to communicate your thoughts, feelings, or ideas?

Communication is something many of us take for granted, but for the millions of individuals who have difficulty hearing, or those who have trouble speaking because they stutter or they have had a stroke, communication is not so simple.

The University of Memphis School of Communication Sciences and Disorders is nationally recognized for its academic, research, and clinical education programs for educating future audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and speech, language, or hearing scientists interested in helping individuals with such communication disorders.

The School offers an undergraduate program leading to a BA in American Sign Language and Deaf Studies as well as a graduate-only curriculum programs leading to the AuD degree with a major in Audiology, the MA degree with a major in Speech-Language Pathology and the PhD degree with a major in Communication Sciences and Disorders with concentrations in Hearing Sciences and Disorders, or Speech-Language Sciences and Disorders or Neuroscience. The School has been consistently ranked  among the best graduate programs by U.S. News and World Report every year since 1998.


We recently filmed a video tour of our School and associated clinic!

The University of Memphis School of Communication Sciences and Disorders is actively recruiting new PhD Students!

We are hiring a Director of Clinical Education in Audiology!

We are hiring a Assistant or Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology!

We are hiring a Director of SLP-A Program/Clinical Assistant Professor!

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3rd Year Tribute

Memphis Neuroscience Symposium

Mid-South Conference

Take a peek inside the Community Health Building and our anechoic chamber in an interactive tour of campus.

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