Welcome to CERI

Welcome to the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) at the University of Memphis. CERI, one of five Centers of Excellence at the University of Memphis, a vibrant place where faculty, researchers, students and staff dedicate their time and energy to understanding the causes and physical consequences of earthquakes, and their impact on society. CERI faculty and researchers focus on a wide variety of problems in geophysics, seismology, geodesy, exploration, geodynamics, source physics, and engineering seismology.

CERI is dedicated to the education of new researchers, and offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Earth Sciences with a concentration in Geophysics. Visit this link Graduate Studies at CERI for what CERI offers to graduate students. For additional information on CERI graduate programs visit our Research and Study  web pages  for additional information.

Beyond its research and academic commitments, CERI is a huge point of pride for our University, city, and the central and eastern United States regions because of its long-time efforts in earthquake monitoring and service to the community. CERI maintains a large seismic network and dedicates significant efforts to educate the public about the hazards of earthquakes. To learn about CERI's seismic network, and education and outreach programs, please visit our "Seismic Information"  and "Earthquake Resources" sites on our main page.

For current earthquakes please visit the "New Madrid Zone Current Earthquake Map" site to the right of the page. This contains our up to date information on earthquakes occurring in the New Madrid seismic zone.





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New Madrid Zone Current Earthquake Map

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