Dr. Sabya Mishra

Professor of Civil Engineering

104 Engineering Science Building
Office Hours
Sabya Mishra

I am a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis. Before joining University of Memphis, I worked as a Research Assistant Professor at the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education, University of Maryland College Park. I am involved with a number of national and state transportation projects from Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of Transportation, and Michigan Department of Transportation. My areas of expertise include Travel Demand Modeling, Transportation Planning and Policy, Econometric Modeling, Transportation Economics and Finance. I am a member of Transportation Economics Committee (ABE20) and Freight Transportation Economics and Regulation Committee (AT010) of the Transportation Research Board.

If you would like to collaborate on any research ideas and topics please send me an email.

I am looking for PhD students, and if you are a perspective student please send me your CV.