Ways to Recruit Tiger Talent

Welcome Employers! Thank you for your interest in recruiting Tiger Talent! There are many ways to connect with our students and alumni through various campus recruting programs and engagement opportunities. Contact us today to get started on your campus recruiting strategy!

Career Services is now on Handshake - a modern platform for college recruiting where you can post opportunities, manage interview schedules, register for events, connect with students and more!  Employers will need to login using their Handshake account.

Become An Approved Employer on Handshake

Employer Login

Don't have a Handshake account? Create your Handshake account today.  For more information, contact Employer Relations.

Engage With Students (only for approved employers on Handshake)

On-Campus Interviews

Schedule on-campus interviews with Tiger Talent in our professional interview rooms in the Career Services office or one of many other locations across campus. Video interviewing also available.

Career Fairs

Tiger Talent Meets Opportunity at the largest career fair on campus. Hosted in the fall and spring, major employers recruit Tiger Talent from all majors for full-time and internship opportunities. Career Services also partners with academic departments on targeted career and internship fairs such as Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Engineering, Psychology and more!

Information/Recruiting Tables

Meet students where they are and informally promote your company’s brand and recruiting opportunities! Info tables are hosted in the University Center Atrium during high traffic times, generally from 11 AM - 2 PM. 

Other Engagement Opportunities

Employers can engage students through other engagement opportunities such as guest speaking/panel opportunities, in-house career development advice and more! 

Contact Us

UofM Employer Relations

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