Welcome to University & Student Business Services 


By exploring the website of University & Student Business Services, you'll find your student fee information and general payment guidelines; and you can go to TigerXpress, where you can view your account detail, pay your fees and charges online, sign up for the Installment Payment Plan, and sign up for eRefunds (direct deposit) for fastest receipt of excess financial aid/scholarships. Visit us at University & Student Business Services for all your Campus (ID) Card needs. This card can be your key to good food and fun around campus. For more information on any of these topics, check out our site, or come see us at University & Student Business Services!

The University & Student Business Services Office is committed to offering exceptional customer service, and collaborates with our other University offices such as the Financial Aid office, Registrar’s Office, Housing, Dining and many academic departments to provide an exemplary student experience. Specific student account information is available for review through TigerXpress. 

How can we help?

Current or Admitted Student - Online Help >
Please submit an online help request by clicking the Current or Admitted Student Online Help button if you have an active University of Memphis email account. Students, faculty and staff should use their University of Memphis credentials.
Visitors and Parents - Online Help >
Please contact us by clicking the Visitors and Parents Online Help button if you are not an admitted/current student.

Departmental Information

115 Wilder Tower Memphis, TN 38152

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 901.678.2712  |  Fax: 901.678.1190 or 901.678.2772   

No payment or other action shall waive or excuse the rights and responsibilities of the student or University, including, but not limited to, the University as Lessor and its right to evict the Lessee for failure to pay rent in a timely manner, or any other breach of the lease. Unpaid or late rental payment may result in holds being placed on University records, such as student’s grades, transcripts and diplomas, and on registration for future semesters.

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