Learning Support

Learning Support at The University of Memphis permits students to enroll in prescribed courses to develop the academic competencies necessary for success in college level courses. Major components of the program include testing and placement in appropriate level courses.


Students admitted to The University of Memphis as beginning freshmen will be placed in appropriate English, math, and reading, courses based on ACT subscores that are less than 5 years old.

  • Students with ACT reading subscores below 19 are required to enroll in ACAD 1100
  • Students with ACT English subscores below 18 are required to enroll in prescribed English courses

If students feel they have been misplaced by their ACT subscores in English and reading or do not have valid ACT scores, they may take the ACCUPLACER test to place into a course.

ACCUPLACER tests are given many times during the course of the year. The Testing Center has a list of dates and a Test Guide for your convenience. The ACCUPLACER test should be taken before seeing your advisor or attending New Student Orientation.

ACCUPLACER testing is required of students whose ACT (SAT) scores are more than 5 years old, transfer students with no college level credit in English, non-degree seeking students before enrollment in English, and students with no valid ACT/SAT scores.


Students with ACT reading subscores below 19 are required to enroll in ACAD 1100.

Students with ACT English subscores below 18 are required to enroll in prescribed English courses. Students must check with their advisor to determine which English course is appropriate for them.

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